Monday, April 30, 2012

Her Newest Title, is NO MISTAKE- Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur Tamika Newhouse stops by to "HUSTLE HARDER"

One of the earliest success principles that I learned was that "if you want to dine with the classes, you must cater to the masses”. No one understands that principle more than the Ms. Tamika Newhouse who confidently states “you have to keep them talking!” With a list of titles and accomplishments that could easily read as several people’s lifetime achievements, ** see here** Tamika has consistently elevated her game to become not only one of the top authors in the game, but has recently launched her own highly successful “DELPHINE PUBLICATIONS”. I believe it was more than a privilege to catch up with such a phenomenal woman and be able to share success principles, that have not only gotten her to where she is today, but more importantly her well planned path that will get her to where she wants to be.

In just a few short minutes, Tamika and I discussed leadership, sales, social media, ambition, and of course her newest book: "He’s My Favorite Mistake”, which is guaranteed to be another top seller. One of the things that stood out to me the most, is the innate ability that Tamika possesses to shift gears, and identify with her audience, speak to the inner entrepreneur, and tap into the “burning fire” that most people have in an effort to educate against, and ease the fear that paralyzes everyone at some point in their pursuit of happiness. “Stay in your own lane” is one of the dozens of nuggets that she shares during our interview, in regards to chasing your dreams and goals, it’s important that you do not measure your weaknesses against other peoples strong suits.

Maybe it’s her competitive nature, maybe it’s the simple fact that she is simply a driven individual, or that she wants to leave a lasting legacy by doing exactly what she loves to do; but whatever it is, I believe Tamika Newhouse will forever Hustle Harder. She is an amazingly professional, talented and ambitious woman who shares her true story when speaking to teen parents, and paints engaging stories that you live everyday whenever she picks up a pen. Before you listen to this interview, ask yourself, what is it that you love to do, and more importantly do you BELIEVE that you can be successful at and possibly turn your love into revenue. I dare you to believe, in your gifts, talents, and passion, because if you do…I promise you at that point, there is nothing stopping you besides time, and work ethic. Tamika is an example of “bullet proof belief” sets out to positively touch everyone that she comes into contact with. Her question to you: “WHAT IS STOPPING YOU FROM BEING HAPPY”?

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Monday, April 23, 2012

She get's my vote! Political blogger Ms. Julene Allen says POLITICS EFFECTS YOUR HUSTLE!

The first time I was introduced to Ms. Julene Allen, of Women For I knew that she was a powerful woman with a voice that can efficiently affect change. During our conversation it became apparent that her two biggest success philosophies drove every aspect of her life, not just her business, which was a huge reminder to the old success principle that “how you do anything, is how you do everything”. Julene is currently experiencing exponential levels of success and she is still growing. Her website click here is quickly becoming a one stop shop for a fun, relevant and informative resource for what’s going on in today’s political arena. She is helping to shed a light on a subject that most people complain about daily, yet only address every few years.

Personally when I was younger and coming up in the professional world of sales, I was always advised that there were two topics to never discuss during the sell; religion and politics. For whatever reason that warning stuck with me for years, until I realized that it was okay to voice your personal beliefs, and still respect someone for having different ideals. I was raised with a military father and exposed to more than my share of political conversations in the home, so I understood the passion, anger, and excitement that could come from ideal based conversations, but as I got older, (and you may agree) both Republicans and Democrats have some glaring similarities; think about it, take all of the window dressing and rhetoric away, and answer this question; During the recent recession, were democrats the only people that lost jobs?, were republicans the only people that lost money in the stock market, and did conservatives not lose homes? Or was it just the democrats that took a hit to their FICO scores?

What I like most about Julene Allen is that she has her set of beliefs, and sticks to them, but more importantly she has taken on the social responsibility to distribute help distribute the information and let you make the choice for yourself. An informed decision about what party or affiliation YOU feel that you identify with the most. As a successful entrepreneur and cigar enthusiast (yes, you read that correctly) the conversation that we had together was not only informative, but refreshing. Ms. Julene Allen’s background, life experiences, and passion have cultivated her into a powerhouse, who is using her skill, along with the commitment to pursue her passion to help not only women, but people everywhere to understand exactly what role politics plays in their business and personal lives. Ladies and gentlemen, scoot on over to the far left… or the far right, push play, and listen to a wonderful woman explain through her personal experiences, exactly how much we all have in common.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Stage Gives You The Best Chance at A Great Performance?

It is perhaps one of the world’s most recognizable quotes:

“All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players;
they have their exits and their entrances,
and one man in his time plays many parts"

Okay, maybe only the first line is actually the most recognizable, so that’s what we’ll talk about, not the stage per say, but the stages of life. I submit to you as you read this article ready to reflect on where you are in your relationship, spiritual and professional, lives, that maybe we only get 4 key stages to perform on. I was once told that no matter what we’re doing; because 1st impressions are so important, every time you walk out of your front door, “you’re on stage”. While we talk about the 4 stages, I challenge you to embrace whatever stage that you may relate to, or find yourself in, and challenge you to realize the natural progression between the stages. While they all work together, and come through sheer life experiences, know that no stage is necessarily better than the other.

BLIND AMBITION: This is the stage of life most people find themselves in both fresh out of high school or up to about their first 5 years in Corporate America. I call it blind ambition because you know you have “time” to chase your dreams and goals, but most either don’t know what they want to do, or they find themselves chasing someone else’s version of how their life should turn out. You may have heard these pieces of advice before (usually from someone older than yourself):
“Stay on that job, it’s a good company”
“You should study this field, there’s always money in that field”
“Take some time off, you have the rest of your life to figure out what you want to do”
Or my personal favorite:
“If you work hard at it, in a few years, you’ll be upper management, at company xyz”
There is nothing wrong with blind ambition, it’s the part of life where everything is in front of you, and everyone around you is an expert, willing to give you their extensive advice. Ambition, you really just want to get something done, to make your mark in life, and set yourself up for success; blind ambition is usually the start.

BLINDERS ON: Blinders for lack of better words, is where most people find themselves 10-15 years into their adult lives, Imagine yourself well into your particular chosen line of work, on your 2nd or 3rd job. You’re in the preverbal rat race, making just enough to get by, but not enough to be happy or get ahead. The great part about having “blinders on” so to speak is that everyone else has them on as well. Their typical day consists of waking up hours before you have to be at work, commuting, working, commuting, and then enjoying the 4 hours they have awake to be with their families before they go to sleep to get up in the morning and do it all over again. The great thing about being at this stage of life is that NO ONE KNOWS THEY ARE THERE. It’s deemed normal and it’s what you’re supposed to do, and most people are perfectly content here. Unless you find yourself in one of these next 2 stages, trust me, you are DOING PERFECTLY OKAY! But even if you do, know that it's merely temporary...if you decide it to be.

CAGED RAGE: This perhaps may be the most identifiable stage that people find themselves in. Imagine feeling trapped, and unfulfilled at the very same place you spend the most time-your job and your relationship. Caged rage is the defining moment in most people’s lives where they decide that they’ve invested too much time in any given thing, without seeing the results that they feel they deserve. You’ll find yourself questioning your relationship, your job satisfaction, weighing your pros and cons, and everything that has to do with where you are in life. Some quit their jobs, some give ultimatums and want to define or re-define their relationships, all in the name of knowing what direction they need to UNLEASH in, or where they can gain some sort of traction. Everybody reaches this stage, there are no exceptions. Once you reach this stage you either separate yourself, or you find an outlet which has the potential to be nothing more but a distraction typically. If you make it past caged rage, you’ll find yourself at the most exciting stage there is…

RE-Invention: This is the absolute best stage of life (biased opinion) that you want to find yourself and operate in. Re-invention is where you decide that your dreams aren’t dead just yet, that it’s never too late, or that you just plain aren’t ready to settle for more than you feel you deserve. I’m reminded of a story of a lady that had been on her job for 20 years before a healthscare nearly ended her life. During a weekend of recovery, she realized that the stress of barely making enough money, with unreasonable demands from her job were heavily contributing to her health issues, THE JOB HAD TO GO, She is now living out her happiest of dreams as a motivational speaker and trainer making much more than she ever had, but more importantly feeling more fulfilled than she has ever been. She re-invented herself.

Another instance a young lady
had been in a relationship for 4 years, as the girlfriend. Promised the ring, promised monogamy, after years of empty promises, she found herself no longer to make excuses for this man not noticing what a gift she was. She ended that relationship and is now celebrating her 1 year wedding anniversary saying she’s never been happier. She re-invented herself.

Lastly, there is a very good friend of mine that after the real estate industry crashed, found himself going through bankruptcy, a repossession, and a foreclosure all at the same time, he’d given his young life to this industry, only to have powers that were beyond his control take everything from him. This man could have easily given up, but to keep a long story short (I love that line) he was presented with an opportunity that many think may be too good to be true, fast forward 2 years later, and in that same opportunity he is a high 6-figure income earner and is helping people all over the country out of the very same situations that he found himself in. He re-invented himself

Can you, should you, will you; re-invent yourself? Right now is as good a time as any to take a good look at where you are in life, and writing out where you want to be, vs. where you are and being completely honest with both answers. Know that there is a definite difference between chasing dreams, and chasing fantasies, but if you believe there is something bigger and better in any area out there for you, re-invent yourself, and focus on how you can get there. Reading this article can be your starting point. Yes, I’m being optimistic, yes the goal is to motivate you, and yes it is to inspire you as well, if it feels weird, it’s because the world is full of different entities telling you NO, telling you to SETTLE, telling you to “take your time” and be patient. I leave you with this: Time is the only commodity that you cannot get more of, the longer you wait, the longer you wonder, and try to find the perfect time to take action towards your dreams, goals or personal changes that you would like to make, the less likely you are to make them. I believe that you deserve to be happy, and that you deserve to have more in any given area-find a good coach or mentor, and RE-INVENT YOURSELF!

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Monday, April 9, 2012


In the year 2000, a songwriter and singer named Erykah Badu released a song called “BAG LADY”. The message of the song was based around the idea that many of us are walking through life with way too many bags. If you have never heard the song, Erykah wasn’t talking about luggage in the literal sense, but more of a metaphor for all of the things we deal with during our daily grind emotionally, and mentally. To take it a step further, Ms. Badu went on to suggest that we would “miss out buss” carrying all these bags. Imagine that, everything that you’re holding on to is basically making it hard for you to get where you are going. Your bags are your personal issues, and your BUS is your path to greatness. Singing in my best Erykah voice: “BAG LADY, you gon’ miss yo bus, you can’t hurry up, ‘cause you got too much stuff”! Wow, how many of us are holding onto past failures? Rather it be relationships, business ventures, jobs that didn’t work out, how many of us are holding bags?

As a writer, mentor, speaker and coach, Find out more here
Ms. Catrice Jackson is in a class all her own. With her “P-SPOT PASSIONISTA” series, as well as her “GET NAKED” MOVEMENT, she is taking aspiring speakers and businesswomen and men from a place of quiet confidence to bold, enthusiastic (yet humble) greatness. She is a sincere, thought provoking leader that I believe is going to change the face of what it means to empower women and men alike. You’ve got to love genuine compassion, someone that cares enough to give you undivided attention and still make sure you are having fun, while she’s giving you life changing information in a relevant “right now” format.

Within the first 60 seconds of being on the phone with Ms. Catrice Jackson, It was apparent that she has not only dealt with this issue, but more importantly has found an inner peace from confronting, and conquering all of her bags. As a matter of fact, the CEO and founder of has not only confronted them, she’s taking it a step further than the bags, Catrice says “LET’S GET NAKED" too. Not in the literal sense, but in the theoretical, spiritual sense. Imagine being able to strip away all of the false truths that we hold about ourselves, other people’s impressions and expectations of us, and the huge cloak of pressure and defeat that many people deal with every single day. I have to say that one of the things that I learned from Catrice during our time together is that when you begin to peel away the layers of “burden, doubt, and fear you are left with the strongest form of potential there is; your true beautiful self. Catrice has overcome her own personal obstacles on her past to greatness, and she is working tirelessly to help countless people all over the world to do the exact same thing.

CHALLENGE: Are you ready to get naked? Are you ready to peel back the bags, clothes, and mental, emotional layers that are hindering your greatness, blocking your “P-SPOT?” Write down the hurdles you know you face, at least 5 (YES FIVE)! Across from each item, write down the potential consequence you face, by NOT removing that layer. This interview will address those items, encourage you to be BOLD, FEARLESS, and empower you to “GET NAKED”

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Painting A MASTERPIECE- "THE PAINTED PRETZEL" owner: RAVEN THOMAS Shares The Recipe To Success

If you were asked WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN YOU what would you say? Imagine having your one shot, having all of the stars align, and all the right people in the room to make your wildest dreams and ambitions come true, and they simply ask you “WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN YOU? That’s the very question that the owner of THE PAINTED PRETZEL Mrs. Raven Thomas found herself facing in an episode of ABC’s Shark Tank. From that moment on, everyone watching was instantly locked in both with their business minds, but probably more so with their hearts. We all know THE SHARKS are amazingly vicious when they grill you to find out the specifics of your business endeavors, while figuring out how they can make a profit after partnering with you, but even Robert Herjavec, Daymond John and Mark Cuban couldn’t deny the answer they received from Raven Thomas and soon you’ll know exactly why.

The toughest task that I face is attempting to capture the emotion, adulation, and business savvy that these interviews contain. Imagine THINKING that you know what’s in store, that you’ve “done this” before only to have your mind completely BLOWN! Attempting to catch up with the founder of THE PAINTED PRETZEL was no easy task, but it was apparent that learning more about this woman, and her success principles was an absolute must. Rather you have a home based business or a Fortune 500 company, one thing is certain; everything rises and falls on leadership. The principles in which company leaders believe and hold themselves accountable to, will be a direct reflection on how the company performs. Knowing this simple truth, it is easy to see why THE PAINTED PRETZEL is poised for phenomenal growth.

There are only two words that I can think of to describe RAVEN THOMAS: DEDICATED & COMMITTED. After I listened to Raven tell me what her normal day is like both as a mother, and a business owner, I was left with a burning brand new law in business: “you can always do more”. I won’t necessarily tell you her story, the interview will do that more than sufficiently. But before you take a listen, (you knew this was coming didn’t you?) grab a sheet of paper, and on one side of the paper, write down your 3 biggest personal hurdles rather it’s belief, procrastination or whatever they may be. On the other side of the paper, write down what those hurdles are keeping you away from. Listen intently to this interview, and I challenge you to hear those questions answered. Oh, and if you haven’t already tasted THE PAINTED PRETZEL, you are cheating yourself of some extreme greatness!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Putting It All Together, Reading Into The Minds of 2 Groundbreaking Authors!

I’d be telling you a complete lie if I said I wasn’t nervous at the attempt of pulling this one off, but when you have two AMAZINGLY TALENTED AUTHORS with great personalities, releasing books close to the same time, why not give it a shot right? After a few cups of strong coffee, I sent off the emails. Reaching out to Veronica E. Kelly and Kevin Carr was one of the smartest moves I ever could have made for two reasons: 1st because I believe that no matter what technology or device is ever introduced, people will always have to read. 2nd reason being that when most people think of leaving a legacy they have one of two thoughts, either I’ll make enough money to take care of the next generations, or I’ll write a book about my experiences. After speaking with them both, I’m convinced that if you don’t obey the fire that burns within you, you’ll literally die full of dreams, knowledge and a gift that could have blessed countless others. The written word is now, and has always been how the next generation will remember us; it’s timeless.

Take the story of Ms. Veronica E Kelly. Talented alumni of Columbia College that found herself like many of us today, working at a job that had absolutely nothing to do with what she studied, but doing what she had to do to make ends meet. There was a shift in her mindset which you’ll hear in this interview when the proverbial last straw dropped right on the camel’s back (yes I’m full of cliché’s) She decided to do what most people are scared to death of…follow her dreams. What followed has been nothing short of a snowstorm of inspiration, rave reviews, and something even more important for Veronica, a sense of accomplishment. I’ll tell you now, in my opinion, there are very few fiction writers that are able to be as creative and still write in that rare visual mode than Veronica E. Kelly. Her 2 books "DON'T TELL YOUR COUSIN" and "I Should Have Told Her" are all over amazon, selling out quickly, and I have a feeling that this is only the beginning.

Then there’s Mr. Kevin Carr, a gentlemen that I have tons of respect and appreciation for. He took a totally separate, but equally as important road to creating his book "If Men are Dogs". After a life changing experience, Kev’s (wait, you can’t call him Kev yet… just me- HA!) ANYWAY, this experience left Kevin not only curious it also left him with a sense of responsibility that spawned a 2 year research on his topic. Now I won’t tell you everything, but I will say this there aren’t a lot of men that are willing to tackle the subjects, and underlying reasons for those subjects that Kevin is. When you talk about fun, growth and a must read, you’re talking about Kevin Carr.

Now you’re probably asking why didn’t I have 2 separate interviews. The truth is, I felt like so many people have a story to tell, and don’t know how to go about it, as far as the process, the editing, the publishing that like I said earlier, they die with the wealth still inside of them. I want to draw that out of them, out of you. Can you imagine if books like “The Purpose Driven Life” and “Woman Thou Art Loosed” had never been written? What if there was never a “Think and Grow Rich” or Time Magazine? The world is starving for more GOOD authors. In this interview there are two of the strongest, up and coming authors that I’ve come across and from their stories alone, I’m sure that someone will be able to sit down and create a masterpiece, it’s not about competition, it’s about letting the story be told. If you or anyone you know is debating, procrastinating, or even sitting on a book that’s already written, I challenge you to listen to this interview and not think: “Wow, maybe I can do that too” both Veronica and Kevin tell their thought processes, as well as the steps they both took to create “their contributions”, after listening, the decision to tell your story is yours alone. I hope you truly enjoy this interview.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

CHERYL PULLINS - Does SO MUCH MORE than Mentor Women...

I’ve always believed that in life, people will treat you exactly how you present yourself. For that very reason, when I reached out to Ms. Cheryl Pullins, I expected nothing short of greatness, and she DID NOT disappoint. Cheryl is much more than an author, speaker and mentor, Cheryl is has a quality, and a skill that towers over all of those mere titles; Cheryl is transparent. The first 10 seconds of being on the call with her, I knew I was speaking to someone that was not only capable, but willing to walk through the preverbal fire with anyone she works with.

Sometimes I say you’re in for a treat, but with the interview that you are going to listen to below, I must admit, you are in for the full dessert. Cheryl opened up on many topics, and put so much thought and valuable information into each answer that she gave, that I can confidently say after you listen to this interview, something inside you will definitely change for the better. Rather you’re a fan of her “VICTORIOUS LIVING” series, or have attended one of her “WOMEN’S ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACADEMY’S” One thing is for sure, Cheryl has the information that you need, if you’re looking to change your life. Why? Because she’s been where you are; guaranteed. If you want to talk marriage, she can do that, if you want to talk corporate America, she can do that, stressed out wife/mom: check! Starting your own business-yep! I can go on and on about her living resume, full of quotes and lives that she’s changed, but you have to experience it for yourself.

Before you click play and listen to a truly dynamic woman. I challenge you to write down the top 3 concerns that you have facing you currently. Not because I bet that Cheryl has an answer, but because I am sure that she will challenge your current state of thinking, and allow you to see things in a positive light (of course assuming that you don’t right now). This interview, like many before it is catered to the entrepreneur, but because we deal in reality, and all of the outside influences and distractions, Cheryl Pullins stands out as a transparent leader, that will stretch you, draw the greatness out of you, and be your best friend while it’s happening. After you make your list, write down ONE DREAM; because at the end of the day, that one dream will be what pushes you to take that first step. I present to you Ms. Cheryl Pullins.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jared Joyce INVENTS...The Fastest Interview Ever! -The "FIVE MINUTE FURNITURE" Shark Tank contestant speaks Inventions, Sales, and WORK ETHIC

IF YOU WATCHED the episode of Shark Tank with Mr. Jared Joyce and his patented “FIVE MINUTE FURNITURE” you’ll know that we are officially in for a treat. If that was your first introduction to Jared, it probably goes without saying that you had a strong opinion one way or the other. Personally, when I watched it, I understood him turning down the deal that the sharks were offering, but what I didn’t understand was why he didn’t budge a little, remember the old saying “you’ve got to give a lot to get a little” (or maybe that was just something my father used to tell me). Either way, I personally was impressed with the posture that Jared Joyce displayed. For those of you that don’t understand “business posture” it’s not just standing straight up, and speaking clearly, it’s all about the passion, delivery, and confidence in which you present your BRAND. Ladies the simplest way to put it, it's the way you feel coming fresh out of the beauty shop, with your favorite outfit and brand new heels on! Fella’s imagine yourself fresh out of the barbershop, gym, with a pocket full of money! That’s what stood out to me the most: his quiet (or not so quiet) confidence. Jared Joyce definitely left an impression.

Once I was able to catch up with Jared, it was apparent that he was much more than an inventor. I had no idea that he would not only grant an interview, but also teach an impromptu class on the process of invention, methodologies of creating capital, and the work ethic that it takes to get, and KEEP investors that are willing to work with you for the long haul. This interview that you are getting ready to listen to has been dubbed “the fastest 30 minutes ever” by both Jared and myself. If you are a truly interested in the mindset of an entrepreneur, the invention process then you might want to stop reading now, and go ahead and start listening.

In every interview that I’ve ever been fortunate enough to conduct, there’s something that sticks with me…permanently! One of the things that Jared Joyce said that I think every entrepreneur should remember is that “ALL ACTIONS ARE CUMULATIVE” I’d explain it, but the way he connects the dots, and talks about the process, as well as the NEW PROJECTS, and how they all work together even before the Shark Tank episode, are simply something that I'd want you to hear first hand. Jared also discusses in this interview his new partnership with Edison Nation where they are working to get his “FIVE MINUTE FURNITURE” to market, and recently launched is the “Wal-Mart Get On The Shelf” contest in which he has submitted 42 inventions to get… well “on the shelf”. I sincerely hope that you enjoy, learn and grow from this impactful interview.

Here's Jared’s Top 10 Favorite’s List (out of 42 products he submitted) for the Walmart "Get On The Shelf" contest. You can vote daily.

Round 1- March 7 to April 3, 2012; Round 2- April 11 to April 24, 2012.
Round 1 narrows submissions to Top 10, Round 2 decides Top 3 Winners!

Thanks for your support! Please share this post!

1. "TITAN Water Bottle"
2. "The ERGO-CB"
3. "Personal Ice Cube Tray"
4. "World's Best Root Beer Float"'s-Best-Root-Beer-F
5. "Screw Bit Screw Holder"
6. "Cheer Bands"
7. "Tool & Vacuum Power Grid"
8. "The Ultimate Framing Hammer"
9. "Upward Arc Faucet"
10. "Vemo"

Also see:

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

She Makes the "Brickhouse" look average!- Anowa Adjah of POWERHOUSE PHYSIQUES LLC explains the importance of your core:

Alright fella’s calm down, calm down! At first sight, you can’t help but to be impressed with the 5”10 200lb Anowa Adjah. You’ll soon find out that there is much more to this proud Nigerian Powerhouse My personal first impression what that she was not only amazingly fit, but you could tell that she was dedicated, committed, and passionate about her personal training routine. Anowa is breaking down every single fitness stereotype that could be attached to the full figured women and the physical fitness industry with her POWERHOUSE PHYSIQUES campaign.

During our time together, Anowa laid out her visions, goals, hurdles and all of the things that drive her to Hustle Harder. She is aggressively and successfully making a name for herself in the billion dollar health and wellness industry, and drew an amazingly transparent line between what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, as well as being successfully committed to living a healthy, fit lifestyle. She tells how in the exercise world, your core is everything, well when you’re in business for yourself you have to have a core as well. Your core is the thing(s) that you must work on continuously so that everything else has a strong base.

It is my sincere hope that while you listen to this interview, you are able to look at all of the things that Anowa has overcome, and identify your current hurdles; what’s stopping you, who has told you “no”, what do you have to work on, both physically and in business. After all, health is the best form of wealth that there will ever be. The future is amazingly bright for Anowa Adjah and the POWERHOUSE PHYSIQUES brand. There is more than an adequate supply of powerful information here in this interview, and I could tell you everything… but it’s better to hear it from the one and only: Ms. Anowa Adjah!

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Monday, February 27, 2012

GREATNESS Is The MOTTO!!! -An In Depth Look Into The Mind of Tony Gaskins Jr.

THE best part about typing, is that you can never actually be speechless, but if you asked me to tell you about this interview with Mr. Tony Gaskins Jr, that's exactly what I'd be...speechless! I started out with a clean sheet, and 10 of the best questions I could possibly think of, what I ended up with was something reminiscent of a college student’s notepad, that was about 2 days away from double major midterms. The amount of notes that I took, the different shades of highlighters, and the pure scribble that only I will ever understand is a testament to the respect, and humility that I have for Mr. Tony Gaskins Jr. I can confidently say that THIS INTERVIEW WILL CHANGE SOMEONE’S LIFE. I no longer believe that it’s a rare thing to find someone who is successful, that is willing to share all that they know. What I believe in turn is that the “successful” people of the world are an open book, as long as their time is invested, not wasted.

Tony Gaskins invests in people. I knew that this interview would be not only a blessing to everyone that listened in, but something that I hope you can listen to and from that point on, it becomes a single point of reference for the moment that you knew your life changed: that’s how powerful this interview is. I envisioned the whole thing, and from the moment that I was able to get in contact with Tony, it was evident that we were going to mesh well together. We literally talked about EVERYTHING! I mean we covered relationships and what women mistakenly look for, we talked about Mr. Gaskin’s “3-F” philosophy, and we also spoke in depth about entrepreneurship while actively working on a relationship. You can literally take your pick from different topics, and match them with something that you’re going through personally, and I think we addressed it.

While you listen to this interview, I urge you not to listen to find out about Tony, but listen to find out how this interview can help you in whatever area that you’re currently not feeling as if you’re living up to the potential that GOD has for you. At the end of the day, there may or not be something burning inside of you, chances are, however that if you’re on this site, there’s a “next level” that you want to reach. I believe this interview can point you in the right direction, or at the very least help to suggest key steps, and a thought process that you can start implementing immediately to fuel you towards your dreams and goals. I am honored to present to you Mr. Tony Gaskins Jr.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

The Learning Curve- Howard Jean Teaches How To "Be The CEO Of You"

Often the focus for business and entrepreneurship is focused on the hard work, the sacrifice, and “the grind” so to speak, while I ABSOLUTELY love those aspects, I have to be honest, if I only focused on the hard work, I’d be doing you and myself a disservice. So what’s the other part you ask? It’s education. The sorry excuse that a dreamer will give you sounds like this: “Well Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, etc… didn’t go to college, I don’t need it either” and to a point, you may be correct, but for the record, here’s my official stance: In anything you do, you’re going to need to learn the ropes, and you can either learn the easy way, or the hard way… It’s completely up to you.

When I reached out to the incomparable Mr. Howard Jean, I knew that I was reaching out to someone that lives up to his title of “EDUCATION REFORM LEADER” on a daily basis, but I had no idea how engaging, how approachable, and how positively insightful he would be. We all know that politics and education can be a “touchy” conversation, but this was the complete opposite. I want you to get ready for one of the most impactful interviews that seamlessly crossed the lines between education and entrepreneurship, politics, and music, and still manages to be fully loaded with motivation, inspiration, and FLAT OUT KNOWLEDGE.

Howard Jean, is an educator whose sincerity and passion to his craft has opened countless doors, for himself and those that he works with. What I’ve found most impressive is that he knows that the opened door for “him and his” isn’t enough. He works tirelessly to give back to students of all ages, while spreading the message of education, and showing the living proof, that with the proper education and work ethic, you not only afford yourself the choice to work in any area, for any company that you choose, but you can also be an amazingly successful entrepreneur as well. My personal goal with this interview is that you are able to make a decision if you’re on the fence about returning to school or not, and that you’re able to “pull the trigger” if you’re looking to get started in the roller coaster world of entrepreneurship. Howard Jean is proof that with the proper education, mindset, and work ethic, there is nothing that you can’t do…VERY WELL.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

ARE YOU IN A ZONE? -How To Seperate Your Month To Maximize Profits

There’s an ever growing debate on the most popular colors for branding your company and your logo, rather it’s blue, red or purple the color of your logo, and layout is almost as important as what your company actually does. However, that’s a topic we aren’t going to attempt to tackle right now, after all, I’m no where near an expert in advertising. I’ve had several people recently ask me how I have worked my businesses in the past, and I really had to think about it because it’s been second nature to me for a while now. So I thought about it and realized that from my time in sales, real estate, network marketing or even currently in my experience and opinion, the system for success has always been the same, and…I’m going to share it with you! Now by no means do I consider this to be the only way to work your business, or the “gospel” of success, it’s merely what works for me. So here’s what I want you to do… grab a pen, a fresh sheet of paper and separate it into 3 spaces. And we’re going to talk about the “zones” that you can work your business.

White Zone:
No matter what business you’re in, it will be unsuccessful if no one knows who you are, or what you offer. That being said for the first 10 days of every month, I’d make it a point to contact (for the sake of numbers) 50 new people. In your case it may be companies, customers or whatever the case may be, but imagine how much buzz you could create if you were in talks with 50 BRAND NEW PROSPECTS! I mean old school hitting the phones which I know some of you are scared of, but honestly, if you’re not STILL cold-calling, and/or getting in front of people live to build your brand, then you’re falling behind. Now when we’re contacting people the goal is NOT to seal the deal, it’s to set the appointment, to book the meeting, to get on someone’s calendar., it’s to “peak interest” This will give you a solid base to work with for the rest of the month. Don’t make the number something you know you won’t reach, but make it just a stretch past comfortable and a step below impossible!

Blue Zone:
Now that you’ve spent time getting in front of people, and booking your calendar, The NEXT 10 DAYS on your calendar are strictly for meetings, The first thing that I want you to notice is that this part obviously won’t work if you haven’t worked your “white zone” effectively. Secondly, depending on what type of business you have these meetings aren’t necessarily to “seal the deal” either, the goals of the meeting, or presentation or “pitch” are to do 2 things, assess need, and present value. I’ll do something on sales later, but any sales professional worth their weight in commission will tell you that sales is nothing but identifying a need, and providing adequate value to fill that need. Imagine you’ve made 50-75 calls, and now in the second part of the month you have 6 (managing your expectations) SOLID and legit meetings where you can confidently present YOURSELF, and what you do to potential partners. You might not leave with the check, or the contract, but you’ve positioned yourself and your solutions in their mind, and if you’re smart, you’ve booked a follow up or “next steps” meeting. This is major.

The “BLUE ZONE” is important because this is when you’ll be tested, often your potential clients or customers will do their research on you, negotiate prices, shop you to the competition for a better deal, and even evaluate if they really have a need. Your job is to be on top of your game and identify as many OBJECTIONS that the client may have so that there are no unexpected surprises coming GREEN ZONE! Okay, don’t want to get into too many of the sales nuggets… so… let’s continue!

The last ten days of the month are green! This is where you follow up with your customers and seal the deal, get the contract, cash the check…etc (sorry, I get carried away at this part) Now out of those initial calls, there may have only been 6-7 meetings, and you may only close 1-2 deals, that’s not the point, what I want you to focus on is the idea that you have to grow your client base. Hewlett Packard, Zerox, or even Office Max wasn’t always a household name, but because they built their customer base one company at a time, there aren’t many people that don’t know about what it is that they do. These last ten days should be full of your follow up meetings, conference calls to finalize negotiations, and setting your sights on the next 10 days which put you back in the white zone.

I hope you’re able to see how these zones all work together to create a nice pipeline for your business, the colors of the zones are unimportant, you can name them egg, chicken and dinner if you want, but I absolutely challenge you to use this system if you’re looking for a new way to drive more business. There’s nothing worse than running around with your head cut off, and being reactionary with your money! (I mean business) Face it, your business is your money, and I was always told that if your calendar is empty… so is your wallet! We all have someone depending on us to get it right, and produce at a high level, and I sincerely hope this will allow you to become more productive, and more importantly; guard your time so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor!!!

-Oh and before I go, no..I didn’t come up with this all by myself! As much as I’d like to take credit for this one, I’m just sharing what I learned and what has worked effectively for me for years!

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

If You Have A "BIG BUT" Haunting You, Lynn Can Help!

It’s not every day that you get to hear from someone that has given their absolute all to their craft. What I admire most about the incomparable Lynn Zettler, is that not only is she at the top of her game, but she is a stickler for the details. During our conversation, Lynn methodically listed and talked in depth about the steps that she took while making the decision to step away from corporate America and launch what has become one of the most successful careers as a life-coach and motivational speaker that we have seen in a long time.

Lynn wears many hats, as an entrepreneur, business coach, author, wife and mother; it’s completely safe to say that Lynn’s brand of Life Action Coaching brings a well needed air of “completeness” to the industry. Rather it’s her personal and corporate coaching, or her team’s unique “ACTION CIRCLES”, or my personal favorite her “BIG BUT BOOTCAMP” Lynn completely dedicates herself, and pours every ounce of energy that she has into her clients. Now some would say that you’re supposed to give your all, you’re supposed to work hard, supposed to be dedicated, sounds like common sense right? Well, ask yourself this; How many times could you have worked just a little harder, double checked your work, or put just a little extra effort into a task? Lynn doesn’t miss a beat.

When it comes to motivation, and the all out fear of launching your own business, I’m sure both Lynn and myself always hear the same thing: “BUT, I’m not ready”, “BUT I still have so much to learn”, we’ve even heard “BUT, I don’t have all the money, time or answers”. Well guess what, the amazing Ms. Lynn Zettler has a boot camp just for you, so how about you sit back, listen in and learn how you (yes YOU) can lose your big BUT, and get on the fast track to achieving the dreams and goals that you deserve.

**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**

Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's EZ For This VIP To Swim With The Sharks

In what had to be the absolute best and most exciting pitch session to ever air on the ABC television show Shark Tank, Al Nelson brought confidence, charisma, and a strong sense of purpose into the tank. Personally while I was watching the show, just like millions of other people, I quickly noticed 2 things: First, that idea behind EzVIP was nothing short of genius. Second, that Al knew the principles behind the power of negotiations, namely being willing to walk away. After initially turning down an offer that would have required a 45% stake in the company, Al’s preparation, and commitment to his team, company, and principles of success sent the Sharks into a feeding frenzy!

Of course I was sitting in my living room thinking to myself, “I’ve absolutely got to have him stop by and spend some time with us! The intention of this interview is to not only enable us all to learn more about a company that will change the face of night-life around the world, but more importantly to listen to the knowledge that is shared. Al graciously shared his experiences since the show, some of the secrets that he has learned from working with both Daymond John, and Mark Cuban, as well as what’s next for EzVip.

There is so much that can be written as an introduction to this interview, but before you listen, I want you to prepare yourself for what I like to call “SHOTGUN INFORMATION” not in the literal sense, but more like how one answer from this highly successful person can cover so many questions, and concerns about life and the mentality of an entrepreneur. We had a lot of fun during the interview, but my sincere hope for you is that wherever you are in your business today, be it pre-launch, or 3rd year going, that you are able to not only listen and learn, but implement at least one of the nuggets that Al Nelson was fortunate enough to share with us. Grab a pen and a notepad…and press play!

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

World Renowned Donna Krech- Kicks Your Hustle Into High Gear...

From the moment I heard her energy, I knew this interview was going to be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. A few years ago, I was introduced to the world of network marketing. Most people have a pre-conceived notion about “those things” and based on your belief…you may or may not be right. That’s not what this is about. During my network marketing career, my mentor lit a match underneath me called personal development, he then fan the flame with encouragement, and suggestions on how I personally could get better as both a person, and within the industry. One of his many suggestions was given to me in the form of a fully loaded iPod, not what you’re thinking probably, but this white iPod was fully loaded with little to NO MUSIC AT ALL. This iPod was in fact, special. There were well over 1500 entries on this iPod, and they were all personal development speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and stories thereof. Since that day, I have been all in! Sold out to the idea of helping others become better people, helping others make more money, and all around improvement in any and all areas. I have a passion for this thing called personal growth.

Now, all of that was said just to plant the seeds, to make the ground fertile for what you are about to listen to. I’ve had the honor and good fortune to learn the art, and importance of edification, but there is honestly absolutely nothing that I can say that will get you ready, that will set your mind for the amount of knowledge that this interview with the world renowned Ms. Donna Krech is going to share.

Donna Krech is a hugely successful entrepreneur, speaker who’s shared the stage with heavyweights such as Jim Rohn, Jerry Clark, Brian Tracy, and many more. She has over 25 years in the weight loss and fitness industries and has traveled the world spreading her message of “4 P’s” . Grab your pen, your highlighter, your crayons, or whatever you will need, because I promise you, that if you take the time to listen to this interview, IT WILL BE THE SINGLE MOST IMPACTFUL minutes you’ve spent outside of a major family event, and your time strengthening your faith. This is not hype, this is not marketing, this is not just an intro…This is Donna Krech, LISTEN, LEARN & ENJOY one of the most sought after professional speakers, motivators, and teacher of wealth principles in the world today!

**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**

Monday, January 23, 2012

Entreprenurial Stress Management- Featuring KIM CLARK

Managing Stress: 5 Tips For Entrepreneurs

businessmen hustleharder

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to approach a topic, or item on the "TO DO" list? Recently I spoke with several entrepreneurs who were doing extremely well respectively, but were completlely stressed out when it came to balance, time management etc. Since I'm not an expert, and would never want to give anyone the wrong advice, AND because I always tell everyone to never take advice from anyone that doesn't have the results you're looking to attain, I decided to enlist the help one of the best in business to answer the burning question: HOW DO I MANAGE MY STRESS as an entrepreneur. Kim Clark is a widely respected specialist in the field of stress management, and when I found myself challenged with exactly the right way to address this topic, she agreed to help. I believe you'll find not only some great information below, but more importantly, suggestions that you can impliment immediately. "KIM...TAKE IT AWAY"

Today's entrepreneur has to deal with stress management in a variety of ways which entrepreneurs before us, never faced. Today we have "likes", "followers", "subscribers" and tons of other social media influences to give our attention to, not to mention the needs of our families and friends. For today's entrepreneur, relief from stress has taken on a whole new meaning, so let's take a look at what stresses entrepreneurs the most and explore ways to start managing entrepreneurial stress more effectively.

Entrepreneurial Stress: The Causes

One of the main causes of stress for entrepreneurs is most definitely maintaining a healthy balance between work and play. In a regular day for any entrepreneur, we might spend anywhere from 10 hours on up on our business, so when we talk about time management in balancing work and play, we are really talking about self-management in order to keep a healthy balance. When you find those days where it seems like there wasn't enough time to do everything, it's not the time that's the issue. What we're really looking at is our idea of what should be done in a set period of time in relation to our perspective on our lives and our goals. Having the right perspective and setting realistic goals is necessary. Nonetheless, even if you manage your time well, fatigue and frustration can set in and make even the work you feel most passionate about, feel like a daunting chore.

Stress Management Solutions For Entrepreneurs

In order to manage your entrepreneurial stress more effectively, try these 5 tips:

1. Prioritize: Zoom in on your objectives and energy cycles.

Scheduling your time efficiently is fundamental for every entrepreneur. For example, do you read the newspaper or your rss feed first thing in the morning? I've done that many times myself, so this brings us to the first choice an entrepreneur needs to make in order to effectively manage stress and time. Instead of reading "the news" of what's been going on in the world, work on making your news the first thing others will read in the morning. Seth Godin makes this point very clear in his post "The First Thing You Do...". Setting priorities and time management go hand in hand. I know how arduous a task this is and struggle with it myself because there are always so very many priorities, but here's a good tip: Throughout your tasks of each day, ask yourself in the moment of doing them, "is this in harmony with my overall objectives", if not, stop and move on. Try this on a "spot check" basis at first, maybe once an hour or once every 30 minutes. Then once you start doing this regularly, you'll find time management becomes a lot more simple. You might also find it helpful to make a short mission statement surrounding the major areas for your business and your life, as suggested in Adam Smith's article: Using Your Mission Statement As A Filter. By doing this, you will have a crystal clear vision of the the single most imperative objective you need to keep first.

Benefit gained: You'll keep your priorities, time management and hence, stress management in seamless harmony and keep your eye on the prize more easily.

2. Get Help: Outsource, use apps and extensions.

One of the chief factors of energy depletion that I see amongst fellow entrepreneurs is trying to do it all. The one man or one woman show philosophy is too difficult for anyone to sustain and your business is all about connecting with others. Today, entrepreneurs have a huge benefit in our ability to facilitate functions which years ago, used to take ages and cost fortunes. Today, you can be working on your market research in Florida while your virtual assistant is redesigning your website in India. Plus you have a vast myriad of electronic devices that make your work easier. Lisa Irby lists some great apps to try in her article Awesome Ipad Apps and any browser you use will have a set of powerful extensions to increase your productivity while freeing you to concentrate on growing your business. Decide which services you will outsource and which services you will do yourself, but make sure that whether it's using the right tools or outsourcing, you have the help you need.

Benefit gained: You don't have to "sweat the small stuff" and you'll improve your efficiency and productivity!

3. Take frequent breaks from task to task.

Let's say you have 3 major tasks for any given day, so what you'll do is give 100% of your energy to the first, most vital task until you start feeling your "inspiration" turn to fatigue. Most entrepreneurs tend to feel the workaholic in them take over with handling their business because of the importance of the tasks, yet pushing yourself when you are clearly fatigued can be counterintuitive and counterproductive. Signs of this: when you feel like your mind has slowed down or you start forgetting things easily. That's when it'll be best for you to stop and "free your mind" by doing something totally different. Take 5 minutes and eat something nutritious, get outside for a quick walk in the fresh air, play with your pet. The point of this exercise is to give you the break you need in order to re-charge your batteries. Exercise and meditation can go a long way to help you keep your balance between work and play. You might even consider yoga, which will achieve both the inner peace and outer agility that you need.

Benefit gained: You can produce your best work and gain greater balance in your life. (also good for avoiding burnout.)

4. Make good use of social media and set specific goals.

To physically reach out to the vast numbers of people you would like to reach can seem like a daunting task, but social media can help you by taking your message viral. Discover which trends will work best for your business/product, then choose the social media strategy which is best suited for your needs. Brian Solis writes a very compelling article on what's new in social media at: 10 Social Media Strategies For 2012, so this can help you in setting your social media strategy. Use tools like Social Marker to have your latest news indexed in over 50 of the most important social networking sites in one click...and it's free! Social media is a great asset and a must have for any entrepreneur today, so discover ways in which it can help you to achieve your desired results from the priorities you set in step #1. Of course, make sure that when you're managing your social media strategies, you keep your goals focused. The tip offered in step #1 is a good question to ask yourself whenever you are on any social media platform. You know when you're on facebook bulding your brand or when you're on facebook living vicariously through the pictures of your BFF's vacation. :-)

Benefit gained: You take one good action then you reap immeasurable rewards.

5. Charge your innate tools into high-gear action!

Yes, you've got innate tools like: your power to smile, your power to laugh, your power to be grateful, etc. Make a gratitude journal. Why? Because it will lighten your burdens and raise your sense of accomplishment which in turn, will solidify your faith. All of this enhances your capacity to naturally encourage yourself with positive self-talk. Do you tend have a hard time patting yourself on the back after a good day's work? I know that there are times when I sure do! Stop killing your joy. We are always seeking to improve ourselves, so it's natural to focus on all of the many tasks at hand but by concluding the day with the thankfulness for 3 or 4 things you did to better your business and yourself, not only do you have a written log of your positive growth (yes, it's better and the effects are longer lasting if you to jot these things down), but you also get proof of were you were and how far you've come. I did this experiment with one area of focus in which I felt like I was standing still, but was I ever amazed a month later when I saw on paper how much I'd actually grown.

Benefit gained: You become, evolve and grow into the person you've always truly wanted to be!

I find that the things I don't have time to be grateful for are the things I most often forget to appreciate. For me, it's the loss of appreciation of the simple things, like the ability TO BE an entrepreneur that leads to stress. I know that sometimes it can be frustrating when expectations are high, so it's important to keep your trust strong, belief systems intact, and funny bone active. Laughing about something that didn't turn out the way I'd planned always makes it easier for me to get it right the next time. Also, always remember your faith in what you're doing! Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr, so do things that strengthen your faith and spend your valuable time with people who are doing the same. Remember that success doesn't bring happiness, but it's your happiness that brings you success. Don't wait until you've gotten your business where you want it to be just to be happy. Start cultivating happiness and joy in your life right now, and as you move onwards and upwards on the staircase of success, no matter what challenges you face, you will face them with grace!

Kim Clark is a specialist on stress management stress management/laughter therapy and you can find more information on the website: Laughs Heal. Come by to visit us at laughs heal and sign up for our newsletter so that you can keep your stress management strategies at peak levels! You can also connect with Kim on Facebook andTwitter.

**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Designing Her Future- A Closer Look At The New Face Of Fashion

The picture says it all, confident, smart, edgy, and most important in control of her destiny. We were fortunate enough to cross paths, and be blessed by an opportunity to meet with Ms. Carmen Veal of Sani Auri, LLC. As you can imagine I am not only excited about what you are getting ready to read, but more importantly, I can say that Carmen is the absolute "DEFINITION OF HUSTLE". Not only will you see how she was able to get where she is, but WHY she does it! Why she says sleep is a luxury, and why her fire to Hustle Harder will never die out. Rather it's working with Mercedes Benz for her non profit or creating the eye teasing, (and pleasing) BODYCON dress line, Carmen has the pattern to success, and is in the process to stitching her place in history! Enjoy the interview!

1. Tell us about Carmen Veal, where were you personally and professionally in life when you decided to become an entrepreneur?

Carmen Veal is a renaissance woman-today! I haven't always been here though (of course- from nothing to something). When I decided to venture out on my own, I was miserable working in corporate America and suffering from an emotionally draining relationship with my child's father, a new single parent, and very pessimistic mindset. My daughter was diagnosed with Autism, I lost my job due to inconsistency with attendance due to her condition-just unhappy overall. I was 23 at the time of my change, thankful that my desire to want more happened at such a young age. It was a book that I read that changed everything for me, the purpose driven life by Rick Warren. I had actually had the book since I was 17 but never once read it. I lost it with a few moves and found it for free on the internet. It was the best thing that could happen to me. It changed my mindset, made me realize my strengths and blessings instead of my heartaches and downfalls, and helped me focus once again on dreams I put off years before. Four years later, I reflect on that woman from my past and smile- I came a very long way.

2. Fashion is a very competitive industry, what steps do you take to make sure your line “Sani Auri” continues to gain momentum and adds to the success you’ve experienced so far?

The clothing I design are unique because of who I compete with- MYSELF! I am my biggest challenge and competitor. I'm always challenging myself to do better, this creates a drive like no other. I work hard to satisfy myself, the harder I work, the more I find can be improved. It's my own personal revolving door of motivation (and stress LOL).

On the flip side, I am intuitive with the fashion industry. I flip through the magazines and surf the internet on latest fashion and styles. I learn what I like and don’t like this way. My style is unique, my designs are all pieces that I would wear personally. I'm big on class and elegance, sometimes less is more. A fitted bodycon dress that accents curves beautifully at a conservative length is my normal style. Though sometimes a mini skirt and low cut cami is the attire of choice. My clothing line offers balance, catering to all. There is something for everyone no matter what age. The most meaningful part of what I do and offer is that I do what I'm happy and comfortable with. Someone somewhere in the world is going to like it!

3. How much, and what specifically have you sacrificed in order to get where you are so far?

Pretty much all sleep LOL. I do sleep very little at night but I find time for naps to give my body time to gather and re-energize it's self. I found I get more done overnight, when the world is sleeping, the phones aren't ringing and friends/relatives aren't stopping by.

Another is relationships…with both relatives and friends. Everyone serves a purpose in your life...a season or a lifetime. I've learned that people can really slow you down, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've come across so many different types of people thus far- supporters, users, abusers, manipulators and so on. The most difficult one for me was noticing a few people very close to me who had love in their heart but hate in their eyes towards me. Now, it's unfortunate to face individuals like this but in actuality they make you stronger. Once you get the point of recognizing their worth in your life, it's time to love from a distance. You have to weed them out at that point, because they can and will be your downfall.

4. One of the biggest excuses we hear about not getting started is “balance” What’s your take on balance vs. working your passion, and chasing your dreams?

Balance comes with sacrifice. So the real problem is exactly what and how much you're willing to sacrifice to find balance. You can't have one without the other. I've learned nothing can really get in the way (permanently). There are always road blocks, but there are also always alternate routes. Apart of accomplishing the goal of living in your passion, you learn the most by the road blocks and mistakes. These minor changes will always alter balance, and throughout the course of one's journey there will always be moments where you have to pause and reevaluate things for balance sake. Expect the unexpected, always weigh potential downfall, and work harder when they come-because they will. In the end, is it all worth being passionate for what you believe in?- makes success that much sweeter!

5. Why fashion? (What does fashion mean to you?) Are you a fan of the industry, if so what designers inspire you?

I've always love color, and patterns, and creating things myself. In high school I was known for my style and was always dressed up. I wanted to be a fashion designer because I love creating things myself. There's an indescribable thrill that comes with wearing things I've created- kind of like feeling on top of the world (at least I think I am). I figured my reviews from friends and family were enough to feel the rest of the world would find interest in my style to- so Sani Auri by Carmen Veal was born!

I'm a fan of fashion- not a fan of the industry. Can't have one without the other though so I accept it. When it comes to fashion designers, I'm a bit untraditional in sense. I love Michael Kors accessory line and love Betsey Johnson's funky patterned styles. I love some of one thing and dislike others. Which is also a benefit to being a designer- I know what I like so I make it myself?

6. We often say that Entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of time, we have to learn quickly. Can you tell us what’s the most important business lesson that you’ve learned thus far?

This is beyond true- time to me is a luxury I don’t have enough of but I make the best of it. Like now, I'm completing this interview at 3 am. I mentioned earlier that I work best over night. My mind is clear and less crowded with the active world's demands.

The one absolute necessity that I will recommend to everyone is ORGANIZATION. I'm still transitioning into this process (it is INDEED a process) but a very rewarding one. Knowing where everything is when you need it cuts off the time wasted actually looking for it. Knowing what's next and being able to adjust smoothly when life gets in the way of your plans. This relates back to my take on balance- find it with time by organizing every aspect of your life.

7. Now your BODYCON dresses, are getting rave reviews nationwide from (from men and women). Where did the idea come from, and what’s next for Sani Auri?

Ahhhh-the bodycon dresses! They are truly a site to see and my most innovative idea yet. I offer custom designs to customer who more often than not, come to me with no idea of what they want. After shifting through these consults back to back over the year of 2010-2011, I decided to create a dress system. One that offers color options, style option, length option- the makeup of the perfect dress. Of all the traditional collections I've created, the bodycon dresses are my biggest hit. I get such an alarming response from customers and supporters.

What's next for Sani Auri is more bodycon dresses of course! The system doesn't end- it keeps going, and going. Expect more styles, colors, and lengths very soon! I have a photo shoot set in the next few weeks with all new bodycons that are sure to continue grabbing attention of both men and women!

8. We’re all about motivation here, what would you say to someone that says they don’t have the time to launch their business or chase their dreams?

They're not that serious and/ready to launch their business or chase their dream. A choice such as this can only come when you're mind and body is in sync with your life. Being mentally stable and self driven were keys to my decision to venture out on my own. Before that time, it was just a distant dream- one I only lived through in my head. It wasn't until I found myself that I was able to realize what was really holding me back-myself. Everyone matures at different ages, but recognizing what is going on in your life can help that happen much sooner than later. When I say mature I don’t necessarily mean you're childish or malicious (unless of course this applies), I mean you haven't reach your fullest potential that is a trigger to realizing your worth. Mental, physical, and spiritual stability.

9. One of the biggest success principles is to give back, and you actively practice that principle, tell us about your non-profit: Hope for Autism?

Hope 4 Autism is my baby! I founded H4A two years ago this month. We're a 501 c 3 organization offering financial assistance, advocate services, support groups and awareness to children diagnosed with Autism, their families, and the community. My love for this organization roots at the center of my universe. It sits at my heart, right along with my faith in God. My daughter, Sania, was diagnosed with this condition for a reason. My life changed once we received it, it became more meaningful. Sania's condition taught me patience, love, & understanding, and it exposed my heart to feelings I never knew existed. After fighting it and denial I realized there was a greater purpose. I founded Hope 4 Autism to be an aide and inspiration to others in the same situation. To share my story and help others through theirs. I recently discovered at my most recent parent support group I facilitate monthly, the parent’s struggles and challenges are therapeutic to me. I'm giving them guidance, but they're giving me trust and that makes me feel complete.

10. What inspires you to “HUSTLE HARDER”

Going to bed feeling accomplished, smiling from a hard day’s work of doing what I love, and waking up knowing I get to fulfill yet another day of obligation doing just the same. Every minute of every day I'm reminded of what I love, the more I see it, the harder I work for it. I oftentimes say 'Love what you do. Do what you love.' This small statement holds a world of sentimental value to me. If defines my passion, drive, and dedication down to a science!

11. Tell everyone where they can find you online:

For Sani Auri- Twitter @CarmenVeal & @Saniauri Facebook/CarmenVeal

For Hope 4 Autism, Inc - Twitter @hope4autisminc Facebook/Hope4Autism

**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**

Sunday, January 8, 2012

7 Qualities that make it IMPOSSIBLE to fail!

The best part about being a student of personal growth, and being in the constant pursuit of greater success, is that there are or (always should be) notes to refer to. Last year at a sales training class I presented what I am going to share with you in the following paragraphs. Now as always, I truly believe that there are several principles, laws, and rules that can guide you to success, so I dare not act as if these are the “end all-be all” to you and your business. Rather you are an author, salesmen, designer, speaker, or a chef, beginning or well established, the 7 qualities that you will read here will absolutely help your business grow.
While typing this, I’ve realized that 8 days have already passed in 2012, and you know we like to say that entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of time, so before I share these 7 qualities with you, I want you to ask yourself; WHAT HAVE I DONE SO FAR THIS YEAR WITH THE 192 HOURS THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN” Not asking to make anyone feel bad, or put any pressure on you, but truly if we want to get where we said we would this year, we have to start IMMEDIATELY. Okay, enough suspense, I know you’re over there yelling at your screen, (or at least thinking in your head) “C’MON MAN, WHAT ARE THE QUALITIES” so…here we go..

1. Be Unconditionally Committed: Simply put, if it’s for you, it’s for you. There will be times in your business where not only people will doubt you, but you might even doubt yourself. But you have to be married to your business (not that Kardashian kind either!! –cheap shot, I know…sorry!) But when I say unconditionally committed, I mean working on you, and your business should be as automatic as brushing your teeth in the morning. You can’t give in to the time traps of being busy, not feeling well, etc. Wal-Mart is open for business 24/7 and you should be too. Be ready to pitch, ready to sell, and most importantly be ready to work longer than you anticipated. Quick example: Sylvester Stallone was unconditionally committed to his Rocky script, so much that he sold his dog for $50.00 and turned down over 100k offers that didn’t allow him to play the main character. After literally HUNDREDS OF NO’s, he got his yes.
2. You Cannot Be Emotionally Attached To Yes or No: I know this one is easier said than done, but I equate this to a hall of fame baseball player. *STAY WITH ME* a hall of famer in baseball typically has a batting average of at least .300 which means that 7 out of 10 times that it’s his turn to hit, he gets OUT! No homerun, no base hit…OUT! But 3 times, he gets a hit! What if you approached your business the same way? Countless entrepreneurs and sales people quit before they ever get their 8th,9th and 10th no! If you really want it, embrace the NO it’s simply part of the game.
3. Discipline and Consistency: These are like a muscle to me. Especially if you’re just starting out. Developing self discipline, and consistency aren’t necessarily easy to do, but that’s why it’s important to do what you love, so that it won’t feel like work. If you still have a day job, try to pick days of the week after work that you are committed to working on your business. An additional suggestion is to have an accountability partner, someone that knows your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals, and checks in to make sure that you get them done.
4. Posture: This isn’t about standing or sitting up straight. Posture is the way you walk into the room, the way you command the right kind of attention, and how people view you. I like to call it a perfect blend of quiet confidence and laser focus. Imagine Donald Trump, Sean Combs, or even a Sara Blakely (FOUNDER OF SPANX) walking into the room, they know what they know, and they are absolutely great at what they do. There is a sense of “who is that” in the air. There are 2 definite things people will always do: Be attracted to success, and treat you the exact way that you present yourself. Have posture.
5. Willingness to fail: Similar to quality #2, being willing to fail in business means that you know its business, not personal. When you learned how to ride a bike, you were subconsciously willing to fail…BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T FOCUS ON FALLING, you focused on learning how to ride the bike. I know it sounds elementary, but success isn’t hard, following the principles that get you there is the part that discourages most. I beg you, to be okay with failing, just make sure you fail forward. I suggest that you document the perceived failures, and take maybe 5-10 minutes to analyze where you can improve.
6. Courage through the storm: The courage to keep going, this doesn’t mean that I want you to necessarily endure blow after blow after blow. No one wants to be a punching bag, but know that sometimes it will get worse before it gets better, hey even diamonds have to get pounded, stomped, burned, cut and all that stuff, but once it’s done… they’re the most beautiful stone on earth. Courage comes with knowing WHY you’re doing something. Who’s depending on you, why do you work so hard, what is the pot of preverbal gold that you’re chasing, and what does it mean to you?
7. Be a student of YOUR game: Consistently study your industry. Years ago, I knew several people that were earning well into the 6 and almost 7 figure incomes as real estate loan officers. They weren’t necessarily good at what they did, they were just in the right place at the right time, however when the market turned, they lost everything. They weren’t students of the game, and hadn’t studied the cyclical nature of the industry and consequently lost the very homes that the industry allowed them to buy. Your industry is bound to change, stay on top of it’s history, trends, and how it can affect your business. It’s not about right now, it’s about next quarter, next year, and 5 years from now.

Okay, that’s enough to read for now, but guys I absolutely believe that if you can adopt these 7 qualities, your businesses will never be the same. As a matter of fact, these aren’t just business principles, try applying them to your personal lives and relationships as well.

**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**