Hustle Harder Marketing Group was created because I've been exactly where you are. Maybe you have a business that you'd love to start, or you've already gotten started & its a little rough. Our goal is to be a motivational, resource to help you towards your goals.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
World Renowned Donna Krech- Kicks Your Hustle Into High Gear...
From the moment I heard her energy, I knew this interview was going to be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. A few years ago, I was introduced to the world of network marketing. Most people have a pre-conceived notion about “those things” and based on your belief…you may or may not be right. That’s not what this is about. During my network marketing career, my mentor lit a match underneath me called personal development, he then fan the flame with encouragement, and suggestions on how I personally could get better as both a person, and within the industry. One of his many suggestions was given to me in the form of a fully loaded iPod, not what you’re thinking probably, but this white iPod was fully loaded with little to NO MUSIC AT ALL. This iPod was in fact, special. There were well over 1500 entries on this iPod, and they were all personal development speakers, authors, entrepreneurs and stories thereof. Since that day, I have been all in! Sold out to the idea of helping others become better people, helping others make more money, and all around improvement in any and all areas. I have a passion for this thing called personal growth.
Now, all of that was said just to plant the seeds, to make the ground fertile for what you are about to listen to. I’ve had the honor and good fortune to learn the art, and importance of edification, but there is honestly absolutely nothing that I can say that will get you ready, that will set your mind for the amount of knowledge that this interview with the world renowned Ms. Donna Krech is going to share.
Donna Krech is a hugely successful entrepreneur, speaker who’s shared the stage with heavyweights such as Jim Rohn, Jerry Clark, Brian Tracy, and many more. She has over 25 years in the weight loss and fitness industries and has traveled the world spreading her message of “4 P’s” . Grab your pen, your highlighter, your crayons, or whatever you will need, because I promise you, that if you take the time to listen to this interview, IT WILL BE THE SINGLE MOST IMPACTFUL minutes you’ve spent outside of a major family event, and your time strengthening your faith. This is not hype, this is not marketing, this is not just an intro…This is Donna Krech, LISTEN, LEARN & ENJOY one of the most sought after professional speakers, motivators, and teacher of wealth principles in the world today!
**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**
Monday, January 23, 2012
Entreprenurial Stress Management- Featuring KIM CLARK
Managing Stress: 5 Tips For Entrepreneurs
Have you ever found yourself wondering how to approach a topic, or item on the "TO DO" list? Recently I spoke with several entrepreneurs who were doing extremely well respectively, but were completlely stressed out when it came to balance, time management etc. Since I'm not an expert, and would never want to give anyone the wrong advice, AND because I always tell everyone to never take advice from anyone that doesn't have the results you're looking to attain, I decided to enlist the help one of the best in business to answer the burning question: HOW DO I MANAGE MY STRESS as an entrepreneur. Kim Clark is a widely respected specialist in the field of stress management, and when I found myself challenged with exactly the right way to address this topic, she agreed to help. I believe you'll find not only some great information below, but more importantly, suggestions that you can impliment immediately. "KIM...TAKE IT AWAY"
Today's entrepreneur has to deal with stress management in a variety of ways which entrepreneurs before us, never faced. Today we have "likes", "followers", "subscribers" and tons of other social media influences to give our attention to, not to mention the needs of our families and friends. For today's entrepreneur, relief from stress has taken on a whole new meaning, so let's take a look at what stresses entrepreneurs the most and explore ways to start managing entrepreneurial stress more effectively.
Entrepreneurial Stress: The Causes
One of the main causes of stress for entrepreneurs is most definitely maintaining a healthy balance between work and play. In a regular day for any entrepreneur, we might spend anywhere from 10 hours on up on our business, so when we talk about time management in balancing work and play, we are really talking about self-management in order to keep a healthy balance. When you find those days where it seems like there wasn't enough time to do everything, it's not the time that's the issue. What we're really looking at is our idea of what should be done in a set period of time in relation to our perspective on our lives and our goals. Having the right perspective and setting realistic goals is necessary. Nonetheless, even if you manage your time well, fatigue and frustration can set in and make even the work you feel most passionate about, feel like a daunting chore.Stress Management Solutions For Entrepreneurs
In order to manage your entrepreneurial stress more effectively, try these 5 tips:1. Prioritize: Zoom in on your objectives and energy cycles.
Scheduling your time efficiently is fundamental for every entrepreneur. For example, do you read the newspaper or your rss feed first thing in the morning? I've done that many times myself, so this brings us to the first choice an entrepreneur needs to make in order to effectively manage stress and time. Instead of reading "the news" of what's been going on in the world, work on making your news the first thing others will read in the morning. Seth Godin makes this point very clear in his post "The First Thing You Do...". Setting priorities and time management go hand in hand. I know how arduous a task this is and struggle with it myself because there are always so very many priorities, but here's a good tip: Throughout your tasks of each day, ask yourself in the moment of doing them, "is this in harmony with my overall objectives", if not, stop and move on. Try this on a "spot check" basis at first, maybe once an hour or once every 30 minutes. Then once you start doing this regularly, you'll find time management becomes a lot more simple. You might also find it helpful to make a short mission statement surrounding the major areas for your business and your life, as suggested in Adam Smith's article: Using Your Mission Statement As A Filter. By doing this, you will have a crystal clear vision of the the single most imperative objective you need to keep first.Benefit gained: You'll keep your priorities, time management and hence, stress management in seamless harmony and keep your eye on the prize more easily.
2. Get Help: Outsource, use apps and extensions.
One of the chief factors of energy depletion that I see amongst fellow entrepreneurs is trying to do it all. The one man or one woman show philosophy is too difficult for anyone to sustain and your business is all about connecting with others. Today, entrepreneurs have a huge benefit in our ability to facilitate functions which years ago, used to take ages and cost fortunes. Today, you can be working on your market research in Florida while your virtual assistant is redesigning your website in India. Plus you have a vast myriad of electronic devices that make your work easier. Lisa Irby lists some great apps to try in her article Awesome Ipad Apps and any browser you use will have a set of powerful extensions to increase your productivity while freeing you to concentrate on growing your business. Decide which services you will outsource and which services you will do yourself, but make sure that whether it's using the right tools or outsourcing, you have the help you need.Benefit gained: You don't have to "sweat the small stuff" and you'll improve your efficiency and productivity!
3. Take frequent breaks from task to task.
Let's say you have 3 major tasks for any given day, so what you'll do is give 100% of your energy to the first, most vital task until you start feeling your "inspiration" turn to fatigue. Most entrepreneurs tend to feel the workaholic in them take over with handling their business because of the importance of the tasks, yet pushing yourself when you are clearly fatigued can be counterintuitive and counterproductive. Signs of this: when you feel like your mind has slowed down or you start forgetting things easily. That's when it'll be best for you to stop and "free your mind" by doing something totally different. Take 5 minutes and eat something nutritious, get outside for a quick walk in the fresh air, play with your pet. The point of this exercise is to give you the break you need in order to re-charge your batteries. Exercise and meditation can go a long way to help you keep your balance between work and play. You might even consider yoga, which will achieve both the inner peace and outer agility that you need.Benefit gained: You can produce your best work and gain greater balance in your life. (also good for avoiding burnout.)
4. Make good use of social media and set specific goals.
To physically reach out to the vast numbers of people you would like to reach can seem like a daunting task, but social media can help you by taking your message viral. Discover which trends will work best for your business/product, then choose the social media strategy which is best suited for your needs. Brian Solis writes a very compelling article on what's new in social media at: 10 Social Media Strategies For 2012, so this can help you in setting your social media strategy. Use tools like Social Marker to have your latest news indexed in over 50 of the most important social networking sites in one click...and it's free! Social media is a great asset and a must have for any entrepreneur today, so discover ways in which it can help you to achieve your desired results from the priorities you set in step #1. Of course, make sure that when you're managing your social media strategies, you keep your goals focused. The tip offered in step #1 is a good question to ask yourself whenever you are on any social media platform. You know when you're on facebook bulding your brand or when you're on facebook living vicariously through the pictures of your BFF's vacation. :-)Benefit gained: You take one good action then you reap immeasurable rewards.
5. Charge your innate tools into high-gear action!
Yes, you've got innate tools like: your power to smile, your power to laugh, your power to be grateful, etc. Make a gratitude journal. Why? Because it will lighten your burdens and raise your sense of accomplishment which in turn, will solidify your faith. All of this enhances your capacity to naturally encourage yourself with positive self-talk. Do you tend have a hard time patting yourself on the back after a good day's work? I know that there are times when I sure do! Stop killing your joy. We are always seeking to improve ourselves, so it's natural to focus on all of the many tasks at hand but by concluding the day with the thankfulness for 3 or 4 things you did to better your business and yourself, not only do you have a written log of your positive growth (yes, it's better and the effects are longer lasting if you to jot these things down), but you also get proof of were you were and how far you've come. I did this experiment with one area of focus in which I felt like I was standing still, but was I ever amazed a month later when I saw on paper how much I'd actually grown.Benefit gained: You become, evolve and grow into the person you've always truly wanted to be!
I find that the things I don't have time to be grateful for are the things I most often forget to appreciate. For me, it's the loss of appreciation of the simple things, like the ability TO BE an entrepreneur that leads to stress. I know that sometimes it can be frustrating when expectations are high, so it's important to keep your trust strong, belief systems intact, and funny bone active. Laughing about something that didn't turn out the way I'd planned always makes it easier for me to get it right the next time. Also, always remember your faith in what you're doing! Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr, so do things that strengthen your faith and spend your valuable time with people who are doing the same. Remember that success doesn't bring happiness, but it's your happiness that brings you success. Don't wait until you've gotten your business where you want it to be just to be happy. Start cultivating happiness and joy in your life right now, and as you move onwards and upwards on the staircase of success, no matter what challenges you face, you will face them with grace!
Kim Clark is a specialist on stress management stress management/laughter therapy and you can find more information on the website: Laughs Heal. Come by to visit us at laughs heal and sign up for our newsletter so that you can keep your stress management strategies at peak levels! You can also connect with Kim on Facebook andTwitter.
**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Designing Her Future- A Closer Look At The New Face Of Fashion
The picture says it all, confident, smart, edgy, and most important in control of her destiny. We were fortunate enough to cross paths, and be blessed by an opportunity to meet with Ms. Carmen Veal of Sani Auri, LLC. As you can imagine I am not only excited about what you are getting ready to read, but more importantly, I can say that Carmen is the absolute "DEFINITION OF HUSTLE". Not only will you see how she was able to get where she is, but WHY she does it! Why she says sleep is a luxury, and why her fire to Hustle Harder will never die out. Rather it's working with Mercedes Benz for her non profit or creating the eye teasing, (and pleasing) BODYCON dress line, Carmen has the pattern to success, and is in the process to stitching her place in history! Enjoy the interview!
1. Tell us about Carmen Veal, where were you personally and professionally in life when you decided to become an entrepreneur?
Carmen Veal is a renaissance woman-today! I haven't always been here though (of course- from nothing to something). When I decided to venture out on my own, I was miserable working in corporate America and suffering from an emotionally draining relationship with my child's father, a new single parent, and very pessimistic mindset. My daughter was diagnosed with Autism, I lost my job due to inconsistency with attendance due to her condition-just unhappy overall. I was 23 at the time of my change, thankful that my desire to want more happened at such a young age. It was a book that I read that changed everything for me, the purpose driven life by Rick Warren. I had actually had the book since I was 17 but never once read it. I lost it with a few moves and found it for free on the internet. It was the best thing that could happen to me. It changed my mindset, made me realize my strengths and blessings instead of my heartaches and downfalls, and helped me focus once again on dreams I put off years before. Four years later, I reflect on that woman from my past and smile- I came a very long way.
2. Fashion is a very competitive industry, what steps do you take to make sure your line “Sani Auri” continues to gain momentum and adds to the success you’ve experienced so far?
The clothing I design are unique because of who I compete with- MYSELF! I am my biggest challenge and competitor. I'm always challenging myself to do better, this creates a drive like no other. I work hard to satisfy myself, the harder I work, the more I find can be improved. It's my own personal revolving door of motivation (and stress LOL).
On the flip side, I am intuitive with the fashion industry. I flip through the magazines and surf the internet on latest fashion and styles. I learn what I like and don’t like this way. My style is unique, my designs are all pieces that I would wear personally. I'm big on class and elegance, sometimes less is more. A fitted bodycon dress that accents curves beautifully at a conservative length is my normal style. Though sometimes a mini skirt and low cut cami is the attire of choice. My clothing line offers balance, catering to all. There is something for everyone no matter what age. The most meaningful part of what I do and offer is that I do what I'm happy and comfortable with. Someone somewhere in the world is going to like it!
3. How much, and what specifically have you sacrificed in order to get where you are so far?
Pretty much all sleep LOL. I do sleep very little at night but I find time for naps to give my body time to gather and re-energize it's self. I found I get more done overnight, when the world is sleeping, the phones aren't ringing and friends/relatives aren't stopping by.
Another is relationships…with both relatives and friends. Everyone serves a purpose in your life...a season or a lifetime. I've learned that people can really slow you down, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I've come across so many different types of people thus far- supporters, users, abusers, manipulators and so on. The most difficult one for me was noticing a few people very close to me who had love in their heart but hate in their eyes towards me. Now, it's unfortunate to face individuals like this but in actuality they make you stronger. Once you get the point of recognizing their worth in your life, it's time to love from a distance. You have to weed them out at that point, because they can and will be your downfall.
4. One of the biggest excuses we hear about not getting started is “balance” What’s your take on balance vs. working your passion, and chasing your dreams?
Balance comes with sacrifice. So the real problem is exactly what and how much you're willing to sacrifice to find balance. You can't have one without the other. I've learned nothing can really get in the way (permanently). There are always road blocks, but there are also always alternate routes. Apart of accomplishing the goal of living in your passion, you learn the most by the road blocks and mistakes. These minor changes will always alter balance, and throughout the course of one's journey there will always be moments where you have to pause and reevaluate things for balance sake. Expect the unexpected, always weigh potential downfall, and work harder when they come-because they will. In the end, is it all worth being passionate for what you believe in?- makes success that much sweeter!
5. Why fashion? (What does fashion mean to you?) Are you a fan of the industry, if so what designers inspire you?
I've always love color, and patterns, and creating things myself. In high school I was known for my style and was always dressed up. I wanted to be a fashion designer because I love creating things myself. There's an indescribable thrill that comes with wearing things I've created- kind of like feeling on top of the world (at least I think I am). I figured my reviews from friends and family were enough to feel the rest of the world would find interest in my style to- so Sani Auri by Carmen Veal was born!
I'm a fan of fashion- not a fan of the industry. Can't have one without the other though so I accept it. When it comes to fashion designers, I'm a bit untraditional in sense. I love Michael Kors accessory line and love Betsey Johnson's funky patterned styles. I love some of one thing and dislike others. Which is also a benefit to being a designer- I know what I like so I make it myself?
6. We often say that Entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of time, we have to learn quickly. Can you tell us what’s the most important business lesson that you’ve learned thus far?
This is beyond true- time to me is a luxury I don’t have enough of but I make the best of it. Like now, I'm completing this interview at 3 am. I mentioned earlier that I work best over night. My mind is clear and less crowded with the active world's demands.
The one absolute necessity that I will recommend to everyone is ORGANIZATION. I'm still transitioning into this process (it is INDEED a process) but a very rewarding one. Knowing where everything is when you need it cuts off the time wasted actually looking for it. Knowing what's next and being able to adjust smoothly when life gets in the way of your plans. This relates back to my take on balance- find it with time by organizing every aspect of your life.
7. Now your BODYCON dresses, are getting rave reviews nationwide from (from men and women). Where did the idea come from, and what’s next for Sani Auri?
Ahhhh-the bodycon dresses! They are truly a site to see and my most innovative idea yet. I offer custom designs to customer who more often than not, come to me with no idea of what they want. After shifting through these consults back to back over the year of 2010-2011, I decided to create a dress system. One that offers color options, style option, length option- the makeup of the perfect dress. Of all the traditional collections I've created, the bodycon dresses are my biggest hit. I get such an alarming response from customers and supporters.
What's next for Sani Auri is more bodycon dresses of course! The system doesn't end- it keeps going, and going. Expect more styles, colors, and lengths very soon! I have a photo shoot set in the next few weeks with all new bodycons that are sure to continue grabbing attention of both men and women!
8. We’re all about motivation here, what would you say to someone that says they don’t have the time to launch their business or chase their dreams?
They're not that serious and/ready to launch their business or chase their dream. A choice such as this can only come when you're mind and body is in sync with your life. Being mentally stable and self driven were keys to my decision to venture out on my own. Before that time, it was just a distant dream- one I only lived through in my head. It wasn't until I found myself that I was able to realize what was really holding me back-myself. Everyone matures at different ages, but recognizing what is going on in your life can help that happen much sooner than later. When I say mature I don’t necessarily mean you're childish or malicious (unless of course this applies), I mean you haven't reach your fullest potential that is a trigger to realizing your worth. Mental, physical, and spiritual stability.
9. One of the biggest success principles is to give back, and you actively practice that principle, tell us about your non-profit: Hope for Autism?
Hope 4 Autism is my baby! I founded H4A two years ago this month. We're a 501 c 3 organization offering financial assistance, advocate services, support groups and awareness to children diagnosed with Autism, their families, and the community. My love for this organization roots at the center of my universe. It sits at my heart, right along with my faith in God. My daughter, Sania, was diagnosed with this condition for a reason. My life changed once we received it, it became more meaningful. Sania's condition taught me patience, love, & understanding, and it exposed my heart to feelings I never knew existed. After fighting it and denial I realized there was a greater purpose. I founded Hope 4 Autism to be an aide and inspiration to others in the same situation. To share my story and help others through theirs. I recently discovered at my most recent parent support group I facilitate monthly, the parent’s struggles and challenges are therapeutic to me. I'm giving them guidance, but they're giving me trust and that makes me feel complete.
10. What inspires you to “HUSTLE HARDER”
Going to bed feeling accomplished, smiling from a hard day’s work of doing what I love, and waking up knowing I get to fulfill yet another day of obligation doing just the same. Every minute of every day I'm reminded of what I love, the more I see it, the harder I work for it. I oftentimes say 'Love what you do. Do what you love.' This small statement holds a world of sentimental value to me. If defines my passion, drive, and dedication down to a science!
11. Tell everyone where they can find you online:
For Sani Auri- Twitter @CarmenVeal & @Saniauri Facebook/CarmenVeal
For Hope 4 Autism, Inc - Twitter @hope4autisminc Facebook/Hope4Autism
**As always, if you find the contents of this blog helpful or inspiring, we ask that you share the page with your network, and leave a comment so we know what it is you're looking for and how we can help**
Sunday, January 8, 2012
7 Qualities that make it IMPOSSIBLE to fail!
The best part about being a student of personal growth, and being in the constant pursuit of greater success, is that there are or (always should be) notes to refer to. Last year at a sales training class I presented what I am going to share with you in the following paragraphs. Now as always, I truly believe that there are several principles, laws, and rules that can guide you to success, so I dare not act as if these are the “end all-be all” to you and your business. Rather you are an author, salesmen, designer, speaker, or a chef, beginning or well established, the 7 qualities that you will read here will absolutely help your business grow.
While typing this, I’ve realized that 8 days have already passed in 2012, and you know we like to say that entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of time, so before I share these 7 qualities with you, I want you to ask yourself; “WHAT HAVE I DONE SO FAR THIS YEAR WITH THE 192 HOURS THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN” Not asking to make anyone feel bad, or put any pressure on you, but truly if we want to get where we said we would this year, we have to start IMMEDIATELY. Okay, enough suspense, I know you’re over there yelling at your screen, (or at least thinking in your head) “C’MON MAN, WHAT ARE THE QUALITIES” so…here we go..
1. Be Unconditionally Committed: Simply put, if it’s for you, it’s for you. There will be times in your business where not only people will doubt you, but you might even doubt yourself. But you have to be married to your business (not that Kardashian kind either!! –cheap shot, I know…sorry!) But when I say unconditionally committed, I mean working on you, and your business should be as automatic as brushing your teeth in the morning. You can’t give in to the time traps of being busy, not feeling well, etc. Wal-Mart is open for business 24/7 and you should be too. Be ready to pitch, ready to sell, and most importantly be ready to work longer than you anticipated. Quick example: Sylvester Stallone was unconditionally committed to his Rocky script, so much that he sold his dog for $50.00 and turned down over 100k offers that didn’t allow him to play the main character. After literally HUNDREDS OF NO’s, he got his yes.
2. You Cannot Be Emotionally Attached To Yes or No: I know this one is easier said than done, but I equate this to a hall of fame baseball player. *STAY WITH ME* a hall of famer in baseball typically has a batting average of at least .300 which means that 7 out of 10 times that it’s his turn to hit, he gets OUT! No homerun, no base hit…OUT! But 3 times, he gets a hit! What if you approached your business the same way? Countless entrepreneurs and sales people quit before they ever get their 8th,9th and 10th no! If you really want it, embrace the NO it’s simply part of the game.
3. Discipline and Consistency: These are like a muscle to me. Especially if you’re just starting out. Developing self discipline, and consistency aren’t necessarily easy to do, but that’s why it’s important to do what you love, so that it won’t feel like work. If you still have a day job, try to pick days of the week after work that you are committed to working on your business. An additional suggestion is to have an accountability partner, someone that knows your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals, and checks in to make sure that you get them done.
4. Posture: This isn’t about standing or sitting up straight. Posture is the way you walk into the room, the way you command the right kind of attention, and how people view you. I like to call it a perfect blend of quiet confidence and laser focus. Imagine Donald Trump, Sean Combs, or even a Sara Blakely (FOUNDER OF SPANX) walking into the room, they know what they know, and they are absolutely great at what they do. There is a sense of “who is that” in the air. There are 2 definite things people will always do: Be attracted to success, and treat you the exact way that you present yourself. Have posture.
5. Willingness to fail: Similar to quality #2, being willing to fail in business means that you know its business, not personal. When you learned how to ride a bike, you were subconsciously willing to fail…BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T FOCUS ON FALLING, you focused on learning how to ride the bike. I know it sounds elementary, but success isn’t hard, following the principles that get you there is the part that discourages most. I beg you, to be okay with failing, just make sure you fail forward. I suggest that you document the perceived failures, and take maybe 5-10 minutes to analyze where you can improve.
6. Courage through the storm: The courage to keep going, this doesn’t mean that I want you to necessarily endure blow after blow after blow. No one wants to be a punching bag, but know that sometimes it will get worse before it gets better, hey even diamonds have to get pounded, stomped, burned, cut and all that stuff, but once it’s done… they’re the most beautiful stone on earth. Courage comes with knowing WHY you’re doing something. Who’s depending on you, why do you work so hard, what is the pot of preverbal gold that you’re chasing, and what does it mean to you?
7. Be a student of YOUR game: Consistently study your industry. Years ago, I knew several people that were earning well into the 6 and almost 7 figure incomes as real estate loan officers. They weren’t necessarily good at what they did, they were just in the right place at the right time, however when the market turned, they lost everything. They weren’t students of the game, and hadn’t studied the cyclical nature of the industry and consequently lost the very homes that the industry allowed them to buy. Your industry is bound to change, stay on top of it’s history, trends, and how it can affect your business. It’s not about right now, it’s about next quarter, next year, and 5 years from now.
Okay, that’s enough to read for now, but guys I absolutely believe that if you can adopt these 7 qualities, your businesses will never be the same. As a matter of fact, these aren’t just business principles, try applying them to your personal lives and relationships as well.
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