Monday, April 30, 2012

Her Newest Title, is NO MISTAKE- Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur Tamika Newhouse stops by to "HUSTLE HARDER"

One of the earliest success principles that I learned was that "if you want to dine with the classes, you must cater to the masses”. No one understands that principle more than the Ms. Tamika Newhouse who confidently states “you have to keep them talking!” With a list of titles and accomplishments that could easily read as several people’s lifetime achievements, ** see here** Tamika has consistently elevated her game to become not only one of the top authors in the game, but has recently launched her own highly successful “DELPHINE PUBLICATIONS”. I believe it was more than a privilege to catch up with such a phenomenal woman and be able to share success principles, that have not only gotten her to where she is today, but more importantly her well planned path that will get her to where she wants to be.

In just a few short minutes, Tamika and I discussed leadership, sales, social media, ambition, and of course her newest book: "He’s My Favorite Mistake”, which is guaranteed to be another top seller. One of the things that stood out to me the most, is the innate ability that Tamika possesses to shift gears, and identify with her audience, speak to the inner entrepreneur, and tap into the “burning fire” that most people have in an effort to educate against, and ease the fear that paralyzes everyone at some point in their pursuit of happiness. “Stay in your own lane” is one of the dozens of nuggets that she shares during our interview, in regards to chasing your dreams and goals, it’s important that you do not measure your weaknesses against other peoples strong suits.

Maybe it’s her competitive nature, maybe it’s the simple fact that she is simply a driven individual, or that she wants to leave a lasting legacy by doing exactly what she loves to do; but whatever it is, I believe Tamika Newhouse will forever Hustle Harder. She is an amazingly professional, talented and ambitious woman who shares her true story when speaking to teen parents, and paints engaging stories that you live everyday whenever she picks up a pen. Before you listen to this interview, ask yourself, what is it that you love to do, and more importantly do you BELIEVE that you can be successful at and possibly turn your love into revenue. I dare you to believe, in your gifts, talents, and passion, because if you do…I promise you at that point, there is nothing stopping you besides time, and work ethic. Tamika is an example of “bullet proof belief” sets out to positively touch everyone that she comes into contact with. Her question to you: “WHAT IS STOPPING YOU FROM BEING HAPPY”?

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Monday, April 23, 2012

She get's my vote! Political blogger Ms. Julene Allen says POLITICS EFFECTS YOUR HUSTLE!

The first time I was introduced to Ms. Julene Allen, of Women For I knew that she was a powerful woman with a voice that can efficiently affect change. During our conversation it became apparent that her two biggest success philosophies drove every aspect of her life, not just her business, which was a huge reminder to the old success principle that “how you do anything, is how you do everything”. Julene is currently experiencing exponential levels of success and she is still growing. Her website click here is quickly becoming a one stop shop for a fun, relevant and informative resource for what’s going on in today’s political arena. She is helping to shed a light on a subject that most people complain about daily, yet only address every few years.

Personally when I was younger and coming up in the professional world of sales, I was always advised that there were two topics to never discuss during the sell; religion and politics. For whatever reason that warning stuck with me for years, until I realized that it was okay to voice your personal beliefs, and still respect someone for having different ideals. I was raised with a military father and exposed to more than my share of political conversations in the home, so I understood the passion, anger, and excitement that could come from ideal based conversations, but as I got older, (and you may agree) both Republicans and Democrats have some glaring similarities; think about it, take all of the window dressing and rhetoric away, and answer this question; During the recent recession, were democrats the only people that lost jobs?, were republicans the only people that lost money in the stock market, and did conservatives not lose homes? Or was it just the democrats that took a hit to their FICO scores?

What I like most about Julene Allen is that she has her set of beliefs, and sticks to them, but more importantly she has taken on the social responsibility to distribute help distribute the information and let you make the choice for yourself. An informed decision about what party or affiliation YOU feel that you identify with the most. As a successful entrepreneur and cigar enthusiast (yes, you read that correctly) the conversation that we had together was not only informative, but refreshing. Ms. Julene Allen’s background, life experiences, and passion have cultivated her into a powerhouse, who is using her skill, along with the commitment to pursue her passion to help not only women, but people everywhere to understand exactly what role politics plays in their business and personal lives. Ladies and gentlemen, scoot on over to the far left… or the far right, push play, and listen to a wonderful woman explain through her personal experiences, exactly how much we all have in common.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Stage Gives You The Best Chance at A Great Performance?

It is perhaps one of the world’s most recognizable quotes:

“All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players;
they have their exits and their entrances,
and one man in his time plays many parts"

Okay, maybe only the first line is actually the most recognizable, so that’s what we’ll talk about, not the stage per say, but the stages of life. I submit to you as you read this article ready to reflect on where you are in your relationship, spiritual and professional, lives, that maybe we only get 4 key stages to perform on. I was once told that no matter what we’re doing; because 1st impressions are so important, every time you walk out of your front door, “you’re on stage”. While we talk about the 4 stages, I challenge you to embrace whatever stage that you may relate to, or find yourself in, and challenge you to realize the natural progression between the stages. While they all work together, and come through sheer life experiences, know that no stage is necessarily better than the other.

BLIND AMBITION: This is the stage of life most people find themselves in both fresh out of high school or up to about their first 5 years in Corporate America. I call it blind ambition because you know you have “time” to chase your dreams and goals, but most either don’t know what they want to do, or they find themselves chasing someone else’s version of how their life should turn out. You may have heard these pieces of advice before (usually from someone older than yourself):
“Stay on that job, it’s a good company”
“You should study this field, there’s always money in that field”
“Take some time off, you have the rest of your life to figure out what you want to do”
Or my personal favorite:
“If you work hard at it, in a few years, you’ll be upper management, at company xyz”
There is nothing wrong with blind ambition, it’s the part of life where everything is in front of you, and everyone around you is an expert, willing to give you their extensive advice. Ambition, you really just want to get something done, to make your mark in life, and set yourself up for success; blind ambition is usually the start.

BLINDERS ON: Blinders for lack of better words, is where most people find themselves 10-15 years into their adult lives, Imagine yourself well into your particular chosen line of work, on your 2nd or 3rd job. You’re in the preverbal rat race, making just enough to get by, but not enough to be happy or get ahead. The great part about having “blinders on” so to speak is that everyone else has them on as well. Their typical day consists of waking up hours before you have to be at work, commuting, working, commuting, and then enjoying the 4 hours they have awake to be with their families before they go to sleep to get up in the morning and do it all over again. The great thing about being at this stage of life is that NO ONE KNOWS THEY ARE THERE. It’s deemed normal and it’s what you’re supposed to do, and most people are perfectly content here. Unless you find yourself in one of these next 2 stages, trust me, you are DOING PERFECTLY OKAY! But even if you do, know that it's merely temporary...if you decide it to be.

CAGED RAGE: This perhaps may be the most identifiable stage that people find themselves in. Imagine feeling trapped, and unfulfilled at the very same place you spend the most time-your job and your relationship. Caged rage is the defining moment in most people’s lives where they decide that they’ve invested too much time in any given thing, without seeing the results that they feel they deserve. You’ll find yourself questioning your relationship, your job satisfaction, weighing your pros and cons, and everything that has to do with where you are in life. Some quit their jobs, some give ultimatums and want to define or re-define their relationships, all in the name of knowing what direction they need to UNLEASH in, or where they can gain some sort of traction. Everybody reaches this stage, there are no exceptions. Once you reach this stage you either separate yourself, or you find an outlet which has the potential to be nothing more but a distraction typically. If you make it past caged rage, you’ll find yourself at the most exciting stage there is…

RE-Invention: This is the absolute best stage of life (biased opinion) that you want to find yourself and operate in. Re-invention is where you decide that your dreams aren’t dead just yet, that it’s never too late, or that you just plain aren’t ready to settle for more than you feel you deserve. I’m reminded of a story of a lady that had been on her job for 20 years before a healthscare nearly ended her life. During a weekend of recovery, she realized that the stress of barely making enough money, with unreasonable demands from her job were heavily contributing to her health issues, THE JOB HAD TO GO, She is now living out her happiest of dreams as a motivational speaker and trainer making much more than she ever had, but more importantly feeling more fulfilled than she has ever been. She re-invented herself.

Another instance a young lady
had been in a relationship for 4 years, as the girlfriend. Promised the ring, promised monogamy, after years of empty promises, she found herself no longer to make excuses for this man not noticing what a gift she was. She ended that relationship and is now celebrating her 1 year wedding anniversary saying she’s never been happier. She re-invented herself.

Lastly, there is a very good friend of mine that after the real estate industry crashed, found himself going through bankruptcy, a repossession, and a foreclosure all at the same time, he’d given his young life to this industry, only to have powers that were beyond his control take everything from him. This man could have easily given up, but to keep a long story short (I love that line) he was presented with an opportunity that many think may be too good to be true, fast forward 2 years later, and in that same opportunity he is a high 6-figure income earner and is helping people all over the country out of the very same situations that he found himself in. He re-invented himself

Can you, should you, will you; re-invent yourself? Right now is as good a time as any to take a good look at where you are in life, and writing out where you want to be, vs. where you are and being completely honest with both answers. Know that there is a definite difference between chasing dreams, and chasing fantasies, but if you believe there is something bigger and better in any area out there for you, re-invent yourself, and focus on how you can get there. Reading this article can be your starting point. Yes, I’m being optimistic, yes the goal is to motivate you, and yes it is to inspire you as well, if it feels weird, it’s because the world is full of different entities telling you NO, telling you to SETTLE, telling you to “take your time” and be patient. I leave you with this: Time is the only commodity that you cannot get more of, the longer you wait, the longer you wonder, and try to find the perfect time to take action towards your dreams, goals or personal changes that you would like to make, the less likely you are to make them. I believe that you deserve to be happy, and that you deserve to have more in any given area-find a good coach or mentor, and RE-INVENT YOURSELF!

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Monday, April 9, 2012


In the year 2000, a songwriter and singer named Erykah Badu released a song called “BAG LADY”. The message of the song was based around the idea that many of us are walking through life with way too many bags. If you have never heard the song, Erykah wasn’t talking about luggage in the literal sense, but more of a metaphor for all of the things we deal with during our daily grind emotionally, and mentally. To take it a step further, Ms. Badu went on to suggest that we would “miss out buss” carrying all these bags. Imagine that, everything that you’re holding on to is basically making it hard for you to get where you are going. Your bags are your personal issues, and your BUS is your path to greatness. Singing in my best Erykah voice: “BAG LADY, you gon’ miss yo bus, you can’t hurry up, ‘cause you got too much stuff”! Wow, how many of us are holding onto past failures? Rather it be relationships, business ventures, jobs that didn’t work out, how many of us are holding bags?

As a writer, mentor, speaker and coach, Find out more here
Ms. Catrice Jackson is in a class all her own. With her “P-SPOT PASSIONISTA” series, as well as her “GET NAKED” MOVEMENT, she is taking aspiring speakers and businesswomen and men from a place of quiet confidence to bold, enthusiastic (yet humble) greatness. She is a sincere, thought provoking leader that I believe is going to change the face of what it means to empower women and men alike. You’ve got to love genuine compassion, someone that cares enough to give you undivided attention and still make sure you are having fun, while she’s giving you life changing information in a relevant “right now” format.

Within the first 60 seconds of being on the phone with Ms. Catrice Jackson, It was apparent that she has not only dealt with this issue, but more importantly has found an inner peace from confronting, and conquering all of her bags. As a matter of fact, the CEO and founder of has not only confronted them, she’s taking it a step further than the bags, Catrice says “LET’S GET NAKED" too. Not in the literal sense, but in the theoretical, spiritual sense. Imagine being able to strip away all of the false truths that we hold about ourselves, other people’s impressions and expectations of us, and the huge cloak of pressure and defeat that many people deal with every single day. I have to say that one of the things that I learned from Catrice during our time together is that when you begin to peel away the layers of “burden, doubt, and fear you are left with the strongest form of potential there is; your true beautiful self. Catrice has overcome her own personal obstacles on her past to greatness, and she is working tirelessly to help countless people all over the world to do the exact same thing.

CHALLENGE: Are you ready to get naked? Are you ready to peel back the bags, clothes, and mental, emotional layers that are hindering your greatness, blocking your “P-SPOT?” Write down the hurdles you know you face, at least 5 (YES FIVE)! Across from each item, write down the potential consequence you face, by NOT removing that layer. This interview will address those items, encourage you to be BOLD, FEARLESS, and empower you to “GET NAKED”

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Painting A MASTERPIECE- "THE PAINTED PRETZEL" owner: RAVEN THOMAS Shares The Recipe To Success

If you were asked WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN YOU what would you say? Imagine having your one shot, having all of the stars align, and all the right people in the room to make your wildest dreams and ambitions come true, and they simply ask you “WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN YOU? That’s the very question that the owner of THE PAINTED PRETZEL Mrs. Raven Thomas found herself facing in an episode of ABC’s Shark Tank. From that moment on, everyone watching was instantly locked in both with their business minds, but probably more so with their hearts. We all know THE SHARKS are amazingly vicious when they grill you to find out the specifics of your business endeavors, while figuring out how they can make a profit after partnering with you, but even Robert Herjavec, Daymond John and Mark Cuban couldn’t deny the answer they received from Raven Thomas and soon you’ll know exactly why.

The toughest task that I face is attempting to capture the emotion, adulation, and business savvy that these interviews contain. Imagine THINKING that you know what’s in store, that you’ve “done this” before only to have your mind completely BLOWN! Attempting to catch up with the founder of THE PAINTED PRETZEL was no easy task, but it was apparent that learning more about this woman, and her success principles was an absolute must. Rather you have a home based business or a Fortune 500 company, one thing is certain; everything rises and falls on leadership. The principles in which company leaders believe and hold themselves accountable to, will be a direct reflection on how the company performs. Knowing this simple truth, it is easy to see why THE PAINTED PRETZEL is poised for phenomenal growth.

There are only two words that I can think of to describe RAVEN THOMAS: DEDICATED & COMMITTED. After I listened to Raven tell me what her normal day is like both as a mother, and a business owner, I was left with a burning brand new law in business: “you can always do more”. I won’t necessarily tell you her story, the interview will do that more than sufficiently. But before you take a listen, (you knew this was coming didn’t you?) grab a sheet of paper, and on one side of the paper, write down your 3 biggest personal hurdles rather it’s belief, procrastination or whatever they may be. On the other side of the paper, write down what those hurdles are keeping you away from. Listen intently to this interview, and I challenge you to hear those questions answered. Oh, and if you haven’t already tasted THE PAINTED PRETZEL, you are cheating yourself of some extreme greatness!

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