Wednesday, October 26, 2011


One of the most impactful lines that I’ve heard this year came out of this interview, paraphrasing Author Sean Wright said “If God gives you a talent, and you don’t use it…. How can you possibly expect to be blessed? Now normally I’d let you guys sit on that one for a minute, but this interview was just too much fun to keep you in suspense. My good friend Sean’s new book “A GANGSTER’S MELODY” is flying off of the “e-shelves” and in this interview you’ll learn how he was able to not only turn obstacles into success, but we’ll also learn how to accept success in different forms than we initially intended. Take a listen below!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011


So there you have it: Protect your dreams. I hope the small clip of Will Smith as Chris Gardner from the movie “Pursuit of Happyness” was the kick in the pants we all needed. You have to have a dream. Face it, when everything is falling down around you, and the ground you’re standing on isn’t all that stable, besides your faith, the only thing that we can hold onto is our hope…our dream. Now if you’re anything like me you’re thinking to yourself wait, I’m flat broke, jobless and the business I want to start or just started is already at a standstill, and you want me to DREAM?

Absolutely that’s what I want you to do, DREAM BIGGER, FASTER! Without a dream, there’s nothing to keep you motivated. What I’ve learned over a number of years is that inspiration fades depending on the mood; however, true, sincere motivation is one of the most powerful weapons we will ever have when it comes to chasing our dreams and goals, more importantly it’s going to be THE KEY COMPONENT to rather or not you’re able to land on your feet. There is no dream that you’ve ever had that you are incapable of achieving, (what the mind can conceive it can achieve). The fact that you even want to start your own business, do something different with your job, or go in a different direction in any aspect of your life, is proof positive that you are able to do it. Think about it, man wanted a better way to get around, out comes the wheel, the wheel wasn’t working on its own…attach it to a horse, the horse isn’t fast enough, create an engine, engine doesn’t work fast enough, give the engine WINGS! I’m getting a little carried away here, but you get the point right? I always say that the fact that you can complain about ANYTHING, simply means that you are able to do something about it. Have you ever heard anyone complain about gravity? Unless they’re involved with N.A.S.A, probably not! Because it’s accepted that you can’t fight gravity, but if you hate where you are in life you can change it. If you hate balancing the checkbook, because you know it’s never going to TRULY break even (no matter when you get paid again…) YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY. If you’re at a job that you hate, you can get a new job, new relationship, or whatever is that you want, you can do it.

I’ll never forget I was speaking with world renowned speaker Mr. Les Brown a few years back at a training seminar that I was fortunate enough to qualify to attend, and he told me that people are so busy trying to make ends meet, that they never realize they are called ENDS. Ends never meet by definition. That small statement changed my life. Remember I had less than 1,000.00 dollars in the bank, and the walls were caving in on me. At that point, all I had was my dreams. Between my dreams and a verse from the best-selling book on earth (Proverbs 18:16) I knew that I could crawl out of this whole. At that point, I realized that success isn’t always about us; it’s about people that depend on US to get it right. Now of course there’s more that I’ll elaborate on soon, but I knew my gift. Now I just had to plan it out. Some of us have gotten so comfortable with that “one thing” that we are GREAT at, that we don’t realize it may be the purpose for our lives, the way out financially. Our gifts aren’t going to do it by themselves though, so I’ll leave you with another clip (prelude to part 3) it’s pretty obvious, but see if you can pick up what step #3 is to “Landing on Your Feet” It’s one of my all time favorites, because they spell it out so specifically. Enjoy!

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Land on Your Feet Pt 1

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you were bored at work? Your dream business that you launched wasn’t taking off the way you planned? Or maybe you have them both staring at you, out of work, and no business to even speak of? That feeling of incompleteness, that same feeling of immense void, or personal failure is exactly what led me to open up the laptop and start typing away. I’ve had the privilege of being personal friends with multi-millionaire's, interviewed and chatted with CEO’s, mentored, and been mentored by some of the best entrepreneurs around, and I’ve helped first time job seekers land their first job, and help others re-enter the workforce or get promotions. In each and every one of those scenarios, there was a consistent question that the millionaire’s, CEO’s, job seeker’s and entrepreneurs all had in common: “WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE”?

Truth be told that’s exactly where I found myself. My business wasn’t growing as quickly as I’d needed it to (married with children depending on me) I wasn’t working, and like most of us, THE HOUSE NOTE/RENT, and the rest of Murphy’s Law, was staring me in the face with not even the slightest of smiles. Now there were all kinds of ideas in my mind about how to fix this mountain of an issue, but I didn’t know where to start, I didn’t know who to ask, and even worse, couldn’t bear the thought of admitting any of this to my wife. Now maybe you are the wife reading this, in which case I apologize now! I’d like to speak for men everywhere when I say, I’m not nonchalant, I just didn’t know what to say, and admitting that as the head of the household, I literally have no clue…well, let’s just say it’s harder than failure itself. No one should ever be able to put more pressure on you than you put on yourself, because to be successful at anything you have to expect success. If you expect something to happen, no one else should be able to expect it more than you. Now I don’t know if it’s an ego thing, or just plain ignoring the signs that were all around me, but I figured that I had a pretty good handle on things, even though I obviously didn’t. Let’s be butt naked clear about this thing; at my lowest point, I had less than $300.00 in our joint account, less than $1000.00 in our retirement account, and only one income coming in with daycare, groceries, household priorities, and oh yeah, let’s not forget THE ROOF! We have to pay for that too right? So how on earth did we I get here?

There's definitely more to this story, but sticking with the title of "Landing on Your feet, I want to leave you with this clip below as the first hint or clue of what it will take to land on your feet. If you really truly watch this clip, and listen to the message that that I found within this scene, you will at the least have the fuse in your hand...Next we'll have to talk about how to light it!

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