Sunday, November 6, 2011


The best part about personal development for me has got to be the reading. Rather it’s being introduced to “the secret” or practicing the principles of money, there is always a golden nugget of knowledge waiting to either be discovered, or remind you of what it takes to get you to the next level of success. While shuffling through my notes, thoughts, ideas and all the other “light bulbs” and “what if’s” in my mind this past week, one topic stood out so clearly that it all but literally slapped me in the face…TIME MANAGEMENT.
Don’t worry, we’re not about to talk about the literal map out your day to the minute type stuff, this is more of a “yellow light” if you will to all of the entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to be out there. The goal here is to give you a few warning signs of some of the hidden time stealers, and maybe a suggestion or two on how to avoid and recover from them. First let’s talk about the time stealer that kills most businesses before they even start:
MENTALLY BUSY: Everyone with a burning desire falls into this category, but I want to poke my network marketing friends and brand new entrepreneurs in the arm on this one. Just because you want to win so bad that you can taste it, see it, feel it and all that, doesn’t mean you actually have it just yet. You still have to go out and physically do the work. I’ve wrestled this bear first hand guys, and know that if you don’t identify that you’re only mentally busy, you will grow to hate the opportunity that you have in front of you. Not because the opportunity is wrong, or didn’t produce the results you wished for, but because you spent more time thinking of how to do it, when to do it, what it would be like, etc…than actually physically doing anything. I personally feel that being mentally busy is the most dangerous of all time stealers. Whatever you think of more than likely will produce an emotional reaction, and if you measure all that you’ve been thinking about vs. the results that inactivity produces, you’ll start to put more pressure on yourself.

SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME PLANNING: Be honest, how many of us have had the perfect idea, the perfect addition, event, or next step to our businesses, only to have it waiting for the next 5 months because you’ve been “planning”, or you want it to be “just right?”. Don’t get me wrong, you always want to map things out and line up your eggs. But I want to tell you now; there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH THING as the perfect time to launch. The money may never be right, the kids will never be “all taken care of” and your customers WON’T HAVE MORE MONEY AFTER TAXES! (Sorry, I personally hate that one)- sidebar: your customers more than likely have already decided what they will spend their refund on well before they even file their taxes). Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out, I encourage us all to get started faster. Whatever the next step is, don’t let it fall victim to the excuse of it’s not the right time, only to fool yourself by hiding behind the planning button. The world has been robbed of many a great book, business, invention, and all around influential people because they are still planning their next move.

HIDDEN DISTRACTIONS: This is going to be a bit of a different take on distractions. I’ve got to admit, that this entire section was inspired by someone I have a great deal of respect for Ms. Donna Krech. She talks about the “hidden distractions” being the things we don’t even pay attention to during the day. Hidden distractions are a gut check here’s why: 1. You don’t think of them as distractions, you think of them as things that are helping you. 2. Hidden distractions don’t take long to appear or even complete, its 2 minutes here, 45 seconds there, or even 15 minutes…that you know you’re going to spend 90 minutes away. 3. They steal time from everyone around you. What are these vicious, large toothed, red eyed evil hidden distractions? The things we love the most of course, technology, social media and television. I know I am probably just as much a culprit as anyone, so I won’t poke fingers, but if you could write down how much time you spend on social media pages, as great as they may be for your business, how much time have you spent with your iPod instead of meeting people that you commute with? And dare I ask how many “shows” are yours on television that seem to keep forgetting to send you YOUR check (get it: Your show, YOUR CHECK?). For those of us chasing our dreams with families, try to get what you need to get done as quickly and efficiently as possible, without compromising the product. Also try to carve out time where they know what you’ll be doing, and during that time, FOCUS, and get it done.
So, now it’s time to show all of you the clip that just set me all on fire again. Because she hit the nail so right on the head from the very first 45 seconds of this video, I know that some of you will find this video absolutely helpful. Donna Krech is a phenomenal speaker that is actively in the business of helping people get better every day. I want you to enjoy this video as much as I have, and take it to heart throughout your day while you HUSTLEHARDER. I encourage some of us to start treating our time like we treat our money (protective) Some of us, should treat our time much better than we treat our money...maybe then money will be attracted to us.

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